Chapter 22

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It's late Sunday night and I'm sitting on my desk putting my school work and homework in my binders. I then decide to give Issac a call.

It goes straight to voicemail so I begin my apology.

"Hey Issac I'm really sorry about everything you're right I don't know anything about Ryan. But with time I will and I'll see his true colors. You tried to help me understand that but I ignored it and was rude to you. So I'm sorry I hope we can be friends again I miss you" I say and end the call.

This was the last week before Thanksgiving break and there was only going to be two days in the school week.

I then decided to text Dylan an apology and wait for a reply. He tells me it's fine and for some reason I wanted him to be mad so I can give him a proper apology.

I walk into school early and see Martin and Lena.

"Jojo Martin proposed to me oh my god" Lena exclaimed as she showed me her ring pop. I laughed and looked at Martin who showed off his matching ring pop.

"Well that means you're officially a princess if Martin's a prince" tell her and she claps her hands and we both bow down to her.

"Marty I want turkey" she says and he laughs and then the first bell rings and the hallway fills and we exchange goodbyes and I decide to scare Dylan.

"Boo!" I scream and he drops his stuff and jumps.

"Josie what the hell" he says and I help him pick up his stuff. Out of one of his books falls out a note. I pick it up but he takes it before I could even get a good look at it.

"Are you going to audition for the play Alice in Wonderland?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm going with Issac for moral support" he tells me.

"Wait Dylan do you like Issac?" I ask noticing that they know a lot about each other and have been hanging a lot.

"Wow Josie ever heard of being a good friend you should try it sometime"

"Ever heard of therapy you should try it" I say and turn around to walk to class.

"Fuck you" I hear him say but I ignore him.

"Wait Dylan I'm sorry I didn't mean sorry I just assumed cause how you guys are good friends and stuff" I say and I then I wrap my arms around him hugging him. He's a bit taller than me so it's a little awkward.

Then I hear him trying to laugh but holding in it. I try to hit him but he stops my hands.

Then we're both laughing and then he walks to class while I walk to my locker.

While I'm getting my textbook Issac walks up to me holding his phone and I see that he has opened my voicemail.

We just look at each other until we hug each other. He was surprisingly really buff but it felt nice to have him in my life.

"Issac no matter what I said or do I love you okay" I tell him and he smiles.

"I love you too but we need to hangout sometime okay" he says I promise him we can hangout.

I planned on going to auditions with Davina anyway but now I'm more excited to see Issac audition.

After school I wait outside the auditorium and Dale walks up to me with the key.

"Prank calls are the oldest trick in the book" he tells me.

"How did you-"

"I heard you laughing in the background" he says.

"Right" I say and he opens the doors. I'd never seen the auditorium before but it was huge.

"Well since you showed up early would you mind helping me set up"

"Yeah sure" I say and help him set up the set and props.

I take my seat in front row as kids walk in Davina sits on one side of me while Dylan sits on the other side with Issac.

"What are you auditioning for?" Davina asks Issac.

"White rabbit" he says and she nods.

We'd "Well guys welcome to Alice in Wonderland auditions everyone auditioning past back the scripts" Dale says handing the first person in the row scripts.

After auditions Issac's mom takes us out for ice cream.

"If I don't get the part what's the point of life" Issac says and we all give him the best luck.

"Where's Stasia though she wasn't at school?" I ask.

"She left to go to her cousins for Thanksgiving" Dylan explains and and then Davina tells us that we need to take pictures.

So Issac's mom agrees to be our photographer and we all pose for pictures outside Mr and Mrs. Griffin's ice cream parlor.

First us girls take pictures then the guys and then we all take one group photo.

Issac's mom was the coolest mom she was 28 so she had him when she was like our ages. He was lucky that his father didn't leave her side and his dad was 29.

I kind of wished my parents were younger so we could relate more.

"I remember being a freshman and pregnant so here's some advice don't ever forget to use protection" she says and hands us all condoms.

"Mom!" Issac yelled and she ignored him.

"At least my senior pictures were the bomb and seeing my little baby boy congratulate me when I graduated was the best feeling" she says and we all laugh.

"When did you realize I'm gay" Issac asks her.

"When I saw you make Ken and Ryan kiss while playing with my old Barbie dolls" she said and this time he was laughing.

She drops me off and I thank her for the ice cream and the condom. I quickly shoved it in my backpack and used my house key and walked in.

Too bad I had to write an essay about being thankful for my language arts class.

I didn't to turn off my phone and get right into it. I start off with my introduction that leads into my first body paragraph and so on. I look at the time and its around 7 when I first.

I was excited for Thanksgiving nothing made me more happy than food.

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