Chapter 39

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           I get there early as I promised Isaac and help him go over lines even though he already knew his lines by heart and knew other characters lines it was somewhat helping him. I loved being for him cause he was there for me.

"Josie I'm so nervous this play could be Social Suicide for me" he tells me and I awkwardly laugh.

"Isaac you got this okay don't worry about anyone else's opinion other than your own and besides I'll be cheering for you as will Dylan and Stasia" I tell him and they walk in and walk up to us.

We all talked about Christmas and how much shit has happened in just the first part of the year. I thought about how I should tell the group about Ryan and I but this wasn't the place or time. I found a seat in the 4th row so I had a perfect view of the stage.

Ryan and the rest of his gang came in and sat behind me and made me feel a little awkward. I didn't want them to say anything about Isaac cause they were probably there for Davina. So I focused on the play and waited for Isaac to come out and entertain us.

We laughed as the girl playing Alice chased him around stage and then fell through a rabbit hole.

We all applauded as the play ended and from the looks of it there was a big turnout. I cheered loudly for Isaac and Dylan teased me as Stasia held up a sign she made for him and Davina.

"Josie hey I really wanted to sit next to you but I know how you feel about people knowing but I hope we could get something to eat or do something" Ryan said when Dylan walked off.

"I mean my brother won't care and my parents already left so I'm down" I tell him and he laughs and gives me a big hug. It felt good to have him holding me out in public but I knew it was going to be a big deal to people.

We all got in my car and some people had to share seats and drove to Ryan's house. I hoped Dylan wouldn't find this weird or anything but I knew he could handle himself. Isaac and Davina explained how nervous they were and how bad they thought they acted.

When we pull up to Ryan's house before I can even say goodbye my brother was off. I laughed and then we all went inside.

"My parents are at this Christmas party for work so they won't be back till tomorrow so everyone lets make hot chocolate and popcorn and have a good time" he said like he was announcing something.

"Hey Ryan dude look it's mistletoe" Scott yelled as Ryan walked over to him.

"Yes dude yes" Ryan said as they fake made out and I was laughing like an idiot.

We all were slumped out on the floor sharing dumb stories. We all went around in a circle.

"Well when I was in 2nd grade I didn't want to participate in PE so I hid in a locker but I couldn't open it from the inside and fell asleep in the locker and woke up to Police Officers and Janitors waking me up and it was so embarrassing" Lucy shares and we all laugh.

"It was actually a comfortable locker which was the funny thing" she adds and then looks at Davina who has to tell us a story.

"I hated this girl in 6th grade cause she was rude and annoying and pretended to be my friend. So she invited me over to a sleepover one night and I decided to cut her hair and I made it look like her little brother did it and so she woke up the next morning freaking out. It was so funny like she was like oh my god my hair" Davina says and I fix my hair before she comes for me.

"I had a crush on this guy and wanted to give him something nice for Valentines Day so I gave him a Teddy Bear but I accidentally got paint on it and so he thought it meant I didn't like him and so he kissed my ex best friend" Yasmin says and Scott gives her a look and looks at Ryan.

"Well my embarrassing story is when I was 12 and I had my first kiss with this 16 year old girl and then told her I was gay afterwards" Isaac says and then shrugs and we all laugh.

"Dylan your turn tell us a story" Ryan says and sips his hot chocolate.

"Um I guess when I was 10 I liked this girl but she was my mom's friend's daughter and my mom found out and told the the girl and the girl poured milk on me" he awkwardly said and we all quietly clapped.

"Ryan that bonfire still work" Scott asks and Ryan nods as we walk outside and they get a fire started.

"Well guys who's ready for 3 more years of hell" Davina says and we all roll our eyes.

"Don't remind me I'm pretty sure I failed this first semester" I exclaim as Ryan opens a bag of marshmallows and hands me one.

"Me too we can repeat 9th grade together" Stasia says and we both laugh and I look Dylan who looks back at me and smiles.

Maybe next year things were going to change for him. He was going to find someone who loves him and he was going to be happy.

But for some odd reason it felt like something wasn't right. Like the universe is trying to tell me something but I'm ignoring it.

"It's winter break there's no way in hell I'm talking about school come out let's  get some music going"  Isaac says and connects his phone to the speaker and plays.

"Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away" Isaac sings.

"This year to save me from tears" I sing ignoring Ryan's smirk.

"I'll give it to someone special" Isaac and I sing together and then everyone decides to join us.

"Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special" We all sing except Dylan and I lean my head on Ryan's shoulder.

           That night when I returned home I was finally ready to spend the rest of my vacation with my family.

On Christmas Eve there was a knock on my front door and when I opened it I was surprised to see Dylan.

"Hey what are you doing here aren't your family wondering where you are and its late?" I tell him and look at my phone and it's 11:58.

"Josie I needed to talk to you and it's important" he says and I'm scared did something happen.

I was a 13 years old outside with my favorite black long sleeve shirt I wear everywhere with jeans I stole my Stasia and my uggs. I'm making a fashion statement but the look on Dylan's face looked worried.

"I know we only met a while ago but I really care about you"

"I care about you too" I say and then he closes his eyes and looks at me. He turns around looking like he's about to leave.

"Dylan don't go" I say to him and when he turns around he walks up to me and puts his hands on my face and kisses me.

I was surprised I was more than surprised but for some reason it felt right. I kiss place my hands on his sides and kiss him back. He then pulls apart to look at me but then leans in to kiss me again. I kiss him back one more time before we both pull apart. We look at each other and then I give him a hug. 

He then walked off in silence and walked home in the dark.  I check the time on my phone and it was 12:01 which meant Dylan and I kissed on both Christmas Eve and now Christmas  Day.

It also meant I'm screwed.

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