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"Well, what are you waiting for? Come at me." He grinned. I faked him out with a swing, and he visibly angered. I turned to Nate quickly, wondering why in the fuck he thought this was a good idea.

The guy ran at me, plunging his knife into the back of my shoulder but failing to remove it before I jerked away. Vadim inhaled sharply, and MacCready winced. I struggled not to give a reaction.

"Alright, you dumb fuck. You just lost your weapon. Imagine being that stup-"

He tackled me to the ground, pushing the knife further into my shoulder before I could roll over. I cried out in agony, getting on top of him and driving my knife into his chest. I pulled the knife out and got off of him, and he clutched his chest.

MacCready walked up next to me, pointing his rifle at the man's head. "Leave."

The man scowled before calling over to the other and hobbling out of the bar. I looked at Travis, who was staring at hos two balled fists.

"Travis, are you okay?" I asked, My words short due to pain from my shoulder.

"I- I did it. I did it! I did- did you see that??" He looked up at me. "I- I punched him! I actually punched him!"

"I'm proud of you, bud," I smiled. 

MacCready piped up from behind me. "Boss, are you alright?" 

"I'm good. I've had worse. A quick trip to the doctor and It'll be fine."

A split-second worried expression came over his face, before it returned to normal. "If you're so sure," he walked back over to the counter, and Vadim nodded at me. 

I turned back to Travis and smiled. "You should get back to the radio."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I- uh, thanks," he muttered before scrambling out the door.

"You okay?" Nate asked, stepping out from wherever the fuck he went.

"Yeah." I shifted my weight onto my left foot. "Where'd you run off to?"

He shrugged. "Never question a Vault Dweller."

I chuckled. "Well, It was nice meeting you, but I have to get back to my partner. We'll see each other again, I'm sure."

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you too." He shook my hand again. "Glad I was able to make friends with you."

"Feelings mutual." I slid onto the stool next to MacCready, asking Vadim for a Nuka Cola. Drinking alcohol was a rare occasion for me. Vadim handed one to me, and I gave him a few caps. I noticed MacCready looking somewhat lost in thoughts. 

"Hey, space ranger," I said. "You get lost?"

"I guess," he said after a moment, not looking at me.

"Look, I get that you don't really know me that well, but I'm here if you need me."

He finally looked at me, only for a second. "Thanks, I guess."

I inhaled awkwardly. "I'm gonna head back to my house. You can come back there whenever you're ready to rest up, because we're leaving tomorrow. I'll be on the couch, so you can take the bed."

He nodded, and that was it. After stopping by the doctor to get my wound checked out and wrapped, If walked home by myself, not even taking a sip of my Nuka Cola. I passed out on the couch and slept through the night.


8 A.M.

I was already ready by 7:30; I knew it'd take a day and a half and one night to get there, so I had packed enough food to last the both of us a few extra days, just in case.

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