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9 PM, MacCready's pov

We're not ready for an attack on the gunners. Winlock and Barnes always  have a small army of gunners rolling around with them, and if it hasn't been destroyed yet, they have an Assualtron.

"This isn't gonna be easy, boss." 

"I know," she said. "I just- my main goal is making sure Nico's even alive still. And killing Winlock and Barnes."

"What if he's not alive?"

"If he was going to be killed, he wouldn't have even been taken in. Besides, it's only been a few months since you left." She closed her eyes. "I figure once we kill Winlock and Barnes, the gunners will see that we mean business and stay off our backs."

"Whatever you say, boss." I sat against the wall and pulled my hat over my eyes. 

"You're going to sleep already, Mac?"

My face pinkened a shade. "Don't call me Mac. And yeah, it's dark out, and I'm tired."

She laughed. "Alright. Goodnight, MacCready."

I pulled my hat even farther over my face, not replying to her. Eventually, I drifted into a deep sleep.


11 PM, Sara's pov

I walked down a small hill, wanting to feel the breeze and clear my head so I could think of how this would go down. I crossed my arms as I felt the freezing air blow through the tears in my spike armor. I didn't want to wake MacCready up, and I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing a mile a minute and I shouldn't be stressing about it too much.

I walked a bit farther and sat down on a fallen tree, resting my head in my hand. After a few deep breaths, I let my mind go blank so I could form a plan.

A sudden tight grip around my waist interrupted my thoughts.

"What th-" Another hand flew over my mouth, preventing me from speaking. I knew it would be pointless, but I still struggled to get away.

"Miss me?" A deep voice said.

I stopped struggling and froze in terror. Winlock.

"Don't think my scouts didn't see you and MacCready wander past like lost molerats." He put a gun to the side of my skull. "You're coming with me, or I'll blow your fuckin' head off."

He dragged me up to the skyway, and handcuffed me to a metal gate once we got up there. 

"Your death is going to be slow and agonizing, just like everyone else that died at that sad fucking building that you filthy raiders called home. I have to admit, your endurance counts for something. You're still alive; I should've let you join up with us."

"Like hell I would've, Winlock. I'd rather die. You know who I came here for."

"Chances are, you'll never see that pitiful brother of yours," he spat before walking away. I pulled at the handcuffs in a desperate attempt to break them or move the metal box, but no such luck. I gave up when I realized I was bleeding because the rusty metal was cutting into my skin.

I'm so stupid.

I came here without a plan, without a wit, without anything. And to make it worse, I left MacCready alone. Now I'm going to die and he's probably going to look for me and get killed too.


3 AM, MacCready's pov

I shot up like a bullet, causing my hat to slip off my head. I felt sweat drip down my forehead.

That same damn nightmare.

I looked around, still dazed. Where's Sara? She didn't go without me, did she? 

No. She didn't have a plan. We didn't have a plan. But she could've gone for a sneak attack-

"You're thinking too much." I scolded myself. 

I paused for a moment. "Christ!!" I sprung up, grabbed as much of our weapons and supplies as I could, and sprinted towards the interchange.


Sara's pov

I had no idea what Winlock's intentions were. I also had no idea when I was going to die. As I was thinking of this, there he was again. Winlock.

He stood in front of me and glared at me. "I have a surprise for you." Someone else stepped behind him and looked at me. My breathing ceased.


"I'll leave you two alone. This is the last time you'll see each other for a long time." Winlock walked away.

I couldn't believe it. We both stared at each other, shocked. I didn't even know what to say.

He looked almost identical to himself 4 years ago. He had the same green eyes, the same brown hair, the same scar on his lip. He had grown taller. He looked tired, but at the same time, aware.

"Come here, you big lug," I said, holding out one arm for a hug.

"On the stars, It's really you." He finally mustered. He ran over to me and collapsed on the floor with me, embracing me in a hug.

"I missed you so much, Sara," He said, tightening the hug.

"I missed you too," I whispered, then added, "Are you happy here?"

"That's a bold question." He chuckled nervously. "Of course not, but what can I do? The gunners here are eating out of Winlock and Barnes's cap-filled hands."

"Nico, I'm planning on killing them." I whispered, pulling away. 

"Are you serious?"

"It shouldn't be too hard."

"Sara... What if the gunners don't react the way you think they will?"

"Then I'll die," I said.

He looked at me wearily. Just then Winlock walked back over.

"Time to die, bitch." He said to me, grinning at Nico. Nico shot me one final look of what appeared to be sadness and then walked away.

I sighed and looked at Winlock. "If I'm going to die, do I get my final words?" 

"I'll think about it."

I knew I wouldn't.

The whole time he was dragging me towards where I was going to be... killed, I couldn't help thinking about MacCready. Would he come looking for me? What would he do after I was dead? Probably take another job without a second thought.

Why did I care so much about someone I barely knew?

"Kneel, bitch." he growled in the same manner he had to my father. He threw me down in front of a thin pole, unnervingly close to a fallen portion of the bridge.

I refused to listen. I wasn't going down like this. A shock baton to the back of my knees changed my posture, and I fell to my knees in front of him, looking over the huge fall to the ground.

I felt regret.

I felt that I hadn't done enough with my life yet. I hadn't been through enough. I hadn't lived long enough.

At least I knew Nico was safe; for now.

Winlock and I heard footsteps, and he turned around. I got a clear sight of who was behind him. No. No.

It was MacCready.

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