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Sara's pov

"With what?" I asked, suddenly becoming alert as I looked at him with a confused expression.

"I- ugh, I don't know why this is so hard to say." He shifted his weight to his left foot, then continued. "Have you heard of Med-Tek Research?"

"The place infested with ferals? Yeah, gives me the creeps. Why?"

"I- I never told you about m- my son."

I hesitated with surprise before speaking softly, "You have a son?"

"Yeah. His name is Duncan. And I hav- I had a wife, named Lucy. She, uh, she's in a better place now."

Lucy. I stood up slowly. "Oh, God, MacCready, I'm so sorry."

He sighed. "Aside from that, what I need your help with is my son. He's sick; I- I don't know what's wrong with him. He was fine one day, and then the next he was running a fever and these blue boils showed up all over his body. Last time I saw him, he was almost too weak to walk."

"Christ, have you tried seeing a doctor?"

"They're all useless! They'd never even heard of the disease!" His voice was filled with anger, but then it calmed a little. "I don't need them- I need someone like you."

"How- what can I do?"

"I know where the cure is. Last time I tried to get it, I was almost torn apart by ghouls. I thought that maybe- just, maybe- if I had some assistance, I'd be able to get the cure. So... will you help me?"

"Of course I will."

He quickly pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"No problem. That's what friends are for, right?"

I felt him smile into my shoulder. "Yeah, I- I guess so."

He pulled away from me, and I asked, "When are we planning on going?"

He opened his mouth, then closed it, thinking. "Tomorrow. I think we both need a day to relax."

I nodded, letting my tiredness sink in.

I folded my arms on the table, closing my eyes and hoping to fall asleep. Thankfully, I did.


MacCready's pov

I had kept a discrete eye on Sara, making sure she actually fell asleep. Why she decided to do so on the table, I don't know, but I could take a breather once I saw her muscles relax and her fingers unfold.

I left the house quietly, trying to give Sara some quiet to get some rest. I decided against drinking, knowing it was one of many bad habits I needed to stop doing as much.

After a few hours of walking, I ended up back at Swan's Pond. I jumped back reflexively when I walked past the dead swan, groaning at myself in annoyance. I walked past the splintered and broken bench and sat at one under the gazebo.

The early morning sun warmed up my skin, because from the angle of where the sun and gazebo were at, the shade was behind me.

I pulled out my cigarettes and lighter and lit one up, sliding the near-empty cigarette package and lighter back into my pocket. I puffed on the cigarette, tasting the nicotine and inhaling the smoke. I leaned back, hanging my head over the back of the bench and staring up at the ceiling.

When I was done with the smoke, I threw the butt on the ground and smothered the remaining ember with my foot. I stood up and rested my arms on the railing, leaning over and gazing at the musky water.

My thoughts led back to Sara, asleep at the table. I felt my face heat up as I thought about her, feeling guilt and gritting my teeth as I stopped myself from swearing.

I blinked and took my hat off, holding it delicately in one hand as the fingers of my other traced over the two bullets. "Duncan..." I hesitated. "I'll- Sara and I will get the cure for you. I promise. And this time, It's one I won't break."


Sara's pov, that night

I wished I could've been asleep all day and slept all night, but I never can get good sleep. I'd been awake since around 10, only getting a few hours of sleep. I've been sitting at the table all day with my eyes closed, just trying to get some.

I'd been listening to the radio all day, hearing Travis mention finding some holotapes of 'new music' to play. 

I heard my door creak open just as a Johnny Cash song started playing, and then it shut. I instinctively pretended to be asleep, my mouth parted a little and my muscles calm.

Someone stepped into the hallway outside the kitchen, then stopped. I opened my eyes enough so that I could see but they couldn't tell. It was MacCready, and he was looking at me.

I closed my eyes as he started walking towards me, my heartbeat increasing. I hardly breathed as he moved my arms from their folded position and strongly but gently lifted me up.

I hung limp in his arms as he carried me slowly to the back bedroom. My heart rate increased again, and he layed me down on my bed and covered me in a warm blanket. He set one arm on the mattress for support, leaning forward and kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Sara." He whispered smoothly, and I felt the pressure release from the mattress as he left the room, closing the door quietly.

I released a gasp, trying to draw in more air as I felt my face heat up. I shivered, because I knew deep down that I wanted him to do it again.

Stop it, Sara! I thought, pulling my pillow over my face.

Damn it, he's your hired gun, Sara, nothing more. Get your head out of the clouds!

I sighed, closing my eyes once more and hoping to get some more sleep.

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