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When we got down to the bottom of the elevator, I saw some sort of pile of dead- what were they? MacCready realized it was a pile of dead traders. I gagged and took a step back, while he got closer.

"They look fresh," he said. "That's why I hate traveling at night, you could be walking right into an ambush and you wouldn't even see it."

I looked down at him from the hilltop, almost amusingly, "Fresh?"

He got really flustered. "I'm n- not a cannibal, I swear, boss."

I raised an eyebrow.

"If I was really a cannibal, don't you think I would've like- I dunno, eaten you already?"

I snorted with laughter. "I'm messing with you, MacCready."

"Oh, uh, right. Okay."

I quickly walked past him. I heard his footsteps follow me after a short moment of hesitation. "Where do you need to go?" I asked, realizing I didn't necessarily need  to go anywhere anymore. 

"I, uh..." His voice was shaky. "I- I don't need to go anywhere. Let's just g- go back to Diamond City and rest up a bit."

"Sounds like a... good plan," I said, noting his nervous tone. "Let's go."


Diamond City, hours later

"Did the walk back seem a little shorter to you?" I asked as we walked up the stairs to enter the Diamond City Market.

"Well, this time we didn't stop, so I guess so."

We headed straight towards my house, each collapsing on a couch once we got inside. My legs were killing me, and I bet MacCready could say the same.

"How are you feeling, boss?" He asked, visibly worried.

"Fine, MacCready." I responded. "And you?"

"Uh, I'm alright boss." He looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with me, before standing up and going to the door. "I'm gonna take a walk around the market."

"Alright, MacCready. I'll be here." He quickly left, leaving me at the house.

I took a quick shower, then pulled on an oversized grey sweatshirt. I braided my long brown hair to keep it out of my face when it dries. I ate a bit of Brahmin meat and drank half a Nuka Cola, then laid down on my couch and closed my eyes loosely, wanting to rest before MacCready came back. The longer I laid there, the more tired I got. I fell asleep pretty soon afterwards.


MacCready's pov, a few hours later

I sat at the Dugout Inn again, drinking myself almost drunk in a sour mood. Pity.

I felt somewhat bad that I didn't tell Sara anything about Lucy or Duncan.

Whatever. She doesn't need to know.

But then again, she was so willing to help me with what I needed. A shoulder to lean on if I needed. She listened to me. Maybe... Maybe I should ask her to help me get the cure for Duncan.

No, I can't. She would never help a cap-sucking leech like me again.

I didn't even say thank you. Scum.

I scowled at myself, finishing off the rest of the moonshine and leaving the bar. I shoved my hands into my pockets and shuffled towards Sara's house. It was real late, so I should try to be quiet, just in case she was sleeping. I hesitated before I quietly opened the door, then I closed it behind me, locking it.

I tip toed into the other room, where I saw Sara fast asleep on the couch. She shivered a bit, slightly curling up to conserve heat. I sighed and grabbed a flannel blanket from the edge of the couch and set it on her, pulling it to her shoulders and leaving it.

I might have been imagining it, but I think I saw a slight smile show up on her face.

I went back to the same guest bedroom I had stayed in before and went through my bag, pulling out a comfortable t-shirt and pants and changing out of my duster. The thing needed to be washed, anyway.

I set my hat on the bedside table and laid down, thinking to myself. The original deal was to stay by her side until she didn't want me here, was it not? Unless she didn't want me here anymore.

Which is understandable. I'm a total dick, after all.

I sighed and closed my eyes, impatient for the morning. I didn't know if I'd ask Sara for help or if I'd just... nevermind.

I fell asleep fairly quickly.


The next morning, Sara's pov

I blinked a couple of times and then closed my eyes again, not wanting to get up. I pulled the soft blanket up past my shoulder and to my neck, turning over on the couch so I was now facing the opposite side of the room rather than the back of the couch. I opened my eyes again, for no apparent reason, then closed them again. I had realized it wasn't light outside yet.

I couldn't fall back asleep, though, so I laid with my eyes open for a little while. Dim rays of morning sunlight shone through the blinds after a bit, and I silently groaned to myself, realizing it was light now.

"Morning, boss."

I sat up groggily and looked towards the corner of the room at MacCready, who was leaning against the wall nonchalantly. "Hey, Early Bird." I got up and stretched, then walked towards my bedroom to find proper weapons to use for wandering around the commons. After deciding on a sniper and a barbed swatter, I told MacCready to meet me outside when he was ready.

After a few minutes I heard my door open and close, and I swung around on the railing and looked at him. He held up a green bandana I had pick pocketed from a gunner once. "Is it alright if I use this?" He asked. I nodded. He put it on and tied it so it was covering his mouth and the tip of his nose.

"Okay, MacCready. Let's go."

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