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Sara's pov

At first I had no idea what to do with my hands, so I let them hang down loosely. But as the kiss deepened and he brought one of his hands down to my waist to pull me closer, I let one hand gently grasp his shoulder while the other rested on his chest. I felt him smile into the kiss, and my heart jumped.

After a minute he pulled away, showing a big grin that made my heart flutter every time I saw it. "Well, boss," he said, still holding onto my waist as he pushed his hat farther up his forehead. "Let's get out of here and set up camp for the night. It's a long walk back to your place tomorrow, isn't it?"

I nodded dumbly, still on cloud nine. Then I asked quietly, "We're not going straight to Goodneighbor?" 

"You and I both know neither of us can make it all the way there." He gave me a slight squeeze, then started to walk off. I followed him, watching his posture carefully because I was still worried for him. 

We made it outside after finding a nearby exit door that had been locked from the inside. It was cold outside; the clouds had cleared up to reveal millions of stars lighting up the sky. The ground was slick with ice, as if it had rained.

We ended up in a small abandoned diner a few hundred yards down the road, figuring it was the best we could do for the night. MacCready took off his shredded duster and laid it down on the floor, setting his stuff down in a nearby corner and then collapsing on the duster.

I handed him the blanket, and he smiled. "Are you hungry?" I asked. He shook his head. "Do you need a stimpack, or-"

"Sara," he said sweetly, causing me to go quiet. "I'm fine, just tired." I nodded, shuffling to a booth in the corner. I took my military coat from my bag and set it on my shoulders as a makeshift blanket. 

After a few minutes of silence, I heard MacCready groan in pain and shift over. I sat up, the jacket slipping off my shoulders. I watched him warily, studying his slow movements and heaving chest. He took a rad-away and a stimpack from his bag and sat upright, noticing me watching him and then focusing back on the meds.

He jammed the stimpack into his arm and sputtered out a pained gasp, his muscles tensing up. After a few seconds he calmed a little bit and reached for the rad away. His hand wobbled while holding the needle, and after a few tries of failing to insert it he turned to me. "Can you help me with this, please?"

I got up slowly, my vision going black and fuzzy for a second. I knelt on the floor in front of him and grabbed the needle. "This might sting a little."

"I know," he said calmly, his voice still hoarse. I put the needle in his arm as quickly as I could, so it hopefully wouldn't hurt him as much. He flinched, then regained his expression.

"I thought you said you didn't need anything earlier." I said semi-sarcastically as I stood up.

"It didn't hurt as much a few minutes ago," he groaned, lying down again.

"You're just going to go to sleep with that in your arm?"

"It's not like I have a choice. I won't be able to keep myself awake for long enough that this will have any effect."

I sighed and laid back down on the booth seat, pulling the jacket back over my shoulders and turning over so I was facing the back of the seat. 

I hesitated before speaking. "Goodnight, MacCready."

A moment of quiet instilled before he spoke quietly. "Night, S- boss."

The silence that remained afterwards was comforting enough to let me fall asleep.


The next morning

I opened my eyes a crack to be almost blinded by white light from outside. I closed my eyes again and turned over, facing away from the back of the seat and out towards the rest of the diner. 

I didn't realize how cold it was until a few minutes later, as I was still wary from just waking up. I regretted not bringing a warmer change of clothes, as all I had on was a pair of baggy jeans and a now torn white tank top from the ferals. I sat up, slipped the military jacket on, and stepped around MacCready and outside.

I leaned into the window and reached for my bag. I grabbed a Nuka Cherry from it, stood back up, flicked the cap off and took a sip. I pulled the jacket tighter across my chest as a cold breeze blew by me, slightly shivering and leaning onto the wall.

I looked to my right and noticed a rusty old radio on the outer windowsill. I set the cola down and walked over to the radio, grabbing it and sitting down against the wall. I messed around with the dials until I found DC Radio, then turned the volume down as to not wake MacCready, who was still fast asleep on the floor.

Do you think... I mean, do you think Bob and Bing Crosby ever got into fights over who was the better Crosby? Weird, r- right? Anyway, this is Bob Crosby.

I chuckled to myself at Travis's voice cracks. Classic. So I guess Nate and Vadim's plan hasn't worked yet?

The roads are the dustiest, the winds are the gustiest...

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, smiling at the classic song. I reached up for the soda as another cold breeze struck me. I looked up at the sky; grey clouds, with even darker ones rolling in. What happened to the white light from earlier?

I sighed and took a sip from the bottle. I seriously hoped it wouldn't rain, because that meant we'd either be stuck at this diner until the storm passed, or we'd have to tough it out all the way to Diamond City. Who was I kidding? I knew it was going to happen.

I put the drink down next to the radio and leaned back onto the wall, closing my eyes. I was just resting them, right?


"Sara, wake up! Come on!"

I opened my eyes slightly to see MacCready in kneeling in front of me, with a hand on my shoulder. He looked relieved. "Christ, finally. Come on, what are you doing out here? Get inside." 

That's when the cold hit me.

I had fallen asleep outside, and it had started raining while I was out here. I was soaked, and my top was almost completely see through. Embarrassed, I stood up and folded my arms over my chest, my jacket covering the tank top. He put an arm around me and walked me inside, sitting me down at one of the tables on the opposite side of the booths and then sitting across from me.

"What were you doing out there, boss? You could've caught a cold or something."

I scoffed before realizing he was serious. "You're seriously worried about me getting a cold? Have you seen the condition you're in??"

He tilted his head down and looked up at me, looking fed up. "I can't just not worry about you."

I was silent for a second. "You need to put yourself first, MacCready."



"My name is Robert."

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