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MacCready's pov

After calling off the security alert and making our way back down through the decontamination tunnel, Sara was just barely coming out of her drugged state. She could walk straight and talk normally and everything, but she still wasn't totally aware of her surroundings.

And she was still holding onto my arm.

We entered the sub-level through an elevator and had gotten past a few labs into a room with some ferals trapped in locked security cages. I shivered, hacking a terminal to open a door at the end of the hall and then walking through it. It led to a large room with a few doorways scattered around. Sara let go of my arm and trailed behind me just as a feral noticed me and began limping towards me.

"Whoa-ly shit!" Sara yelled out from behind me, causing me to turn around. Dozens of ferals came out from behind the doors, grunting and growling at us. I reloaded my rifle and took aim, taking down five of them right off the bat. Sara managed to get two of them down, too, but she was missing most of her shots.

When she ran out of bullets, she stood dumbfounded for a second before digging into her bag for more ammo. I shot off two ferals trying to get to her before managing to grab her arm and pull her back through one of the doors.

"Hey, what gives-" she started before I put a finger up to my mouth, quieting her.

"You're not in your right state of mind, Sara." I paused, listening for the shuffling feet of the ferals. "I'm sure you'll be fine in a few minutes, but just let me handle this, okay?"

She nodded, then continued to reload her gun. I turned away from her and back into the balcony area, killing three ferals that were about to charge at me. A couple more staggered out from another room, and I shot both of them dead as well. After reloading my gun, I stood silently, my breath heavy, and listened for more ferals. After a moment I cautiously checked the rooms for ferals, my footsteps quietly echoing throughout the building.

I heard a low growl from behind me, and as soon as I turned around It tackled me to the ground.

"Agh, bastard!" I grunted, trying to pry it off me. The smell of radiation stung my nostrils. It clawed at my shoulders as I shoved my hands on it's stomach, trying to push it off me. My heartbeat increased even more once I heard even more ferals from behind me.

I couldn't gain the strength to push out from under the feral. I struggled as it thrashed about on top of me, clawing at my face and chest. Before I knew it, two more were on top of me, and my chest heaved, gasping for air. An image of Lucy made it's way into my head, but I quickly blinked it away.

The burning pain in my body numbed as I thought of Duncan. How would he be able to live without me, even if he did get the cure? And Sara; She's made me the happiest I've been in a long time.

I grit my teeth and tried once more to get out from under them, but now it was impossible. I shut my eyes as the ferals tore at my skin.

Then I remembered- "SARA!" I called at the top of my lungs, praying she heard me. After a few seconds of no response, I called out again, but to no avail.

Once again, I tried to get free from the ferals, pleading with myself not to give up.

Then I heard gunshots. The tearing and clawing and biting stopped. I looked up to see Sara standing in the open doorway with tears in her eyes.

"MacCready," She ran up to me and collapsed on the floor with me. Her hand gently held my chin, tilting my head from one side to the other and examining the deep cuts. "Oh, you idiot..." She let her bag slide off her shoulder and pulled out a med kit. 

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