552 21 1

12 AM

After we had arrived here, a group of ferals had ambushed us in the dark, catching us off guard. There were probably a dozen of them, so we were largely outnumbered. Still, we managed to kill them off with only a few scrapes and bruises.

I said I'd keep watch, and MacCready sighed defeatedly and let me after some convincing. We made a makeshift tent out of branches and some rope we found.

After a while I knew I needed to get some sleep, as much as I didn't want to, if I wanted to be able to function tomorrow. In all honesty, I didn't really have a choice in the matter. Getting the cure for MacCready's son was important to him, and important to me.

I wasn't gonna blow it off.

I didn't wake him up when I slipped into the tent. Slowly, I laid down on the opposite side of it and closed my eyes, forcing myself to drift into unconsciousness.


Sunrise, MacCready's pov

"MacCready?" Sara asked quietly. I didn't respond. "MacCready. Are you awake?" I still didn't say anything. She sighed and left the tent. I laid my forearm against my forehead, furrowing my brows. Truth is, I don't think I have the mental capacity to go back in there. The ferals almost ripped me apart last time. I couldn't even make it inside.

God, I hate ferals.

I sat up slowly, looking up through the gaps in the wood. The sky was a hazy pink color because the sun wasn't completely up yet. I left the tent and shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked towards Sara.

"Good morning, MacCready. I hope I didn't wake you-"

"You didn't. I was already awake."

"Okay, that's good." She looked back towards the sky and sighed. "The sky looks pretty, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does."

"I love the sunrise. It's so calming."

I smiled slightly and looked back up at the sky. It was now a light orange color, and the sun was slightly visible. We watched it until it turned blue.

"Okay, MacCready. Are you ready to head in?"

I closed my eyes tightly and held back tears. No, I wasn't ready. But if I didn't go in now, I'd never have the balls to come back again.

"Yeah," I let out quietly. "Let's go."


Sara's pov

"Alright, let's find that executive terminal. Sinclair said that's the only way we can override the facility's lockdown."

I somehow managed to find my way to a tunnel in a back room, but not before getting lost, making a huge loop, getting attacked by a few ferals and walking into a bathroom with a skeleton with it's head in the toilet.

"Okay, this should be easy." I leaned forward and powered on the terminal only to have a flashing security alert come up on the screen.

"That's not the executive terminal. I have a pretty good idea on where it is, though. Come on, follow me." He led me to a door nearby, and I cocked my pistol.

We made our way through a few rooms and into what used to be the men's restroom. From there, we could cut through the women's restroom to a flight of stairs. I walked into the room, noticing a bunch of run down shelves and computer desks. I heard light rustling from above us.

"I don't think we're alone."

A few ferals came at us from the room over, and we took them down easily. I was too focused on killing the ones coming down the stairs to realize one was creeping up on me from my right.

"Boss, watch out!" MacCready yelled as he shot at the feral from behind me. I shook my shoulders and reloaded my pistol. There were a few ferals on the floor above, so I started towards the ramp to get up. A few steps forward and I was knocked to the ground, straight on my chin.

My bottom jaw went upwards and I bit my tongue. After a few seconds the shock wore off and I realized one of the ferals had launched itself over the railing at me. I squirmed under it, shaking it off of me so I could flip myself onto my back. Immediately after flipping over, the same feral charged at me, clawing at my tank top and sinking it's rotting teeth into my upper arm.

"Fuck!" I yelled out impulsively, reaching for my knife. I managed to grab it and cut the feral's head off. MacCready finished off the rest of them before coming back to me.

"God, are you okay?" He asked as he knelt down next to me.

"Good, good. I'm good." I winced with pain as I sat up. I shook my bag off my shoulders and pulled out a med kit. I took a piece of gauze, folded it over and bit down on it, trying to stop the bleeding from my tongue. "Could you help me with my arm, please?"

"Boss, I don't think you can just wrap your arm up. It bit out a big chunk of flesh. I think you might need stitches."

"...Shit." I thought for a minute. "Do you know how to give stitches?"

"I do, but it hurts like hell from what I've heard. There's probably something around here for me to use to do it, but-"

"Please do it."

"Without anything to numb it?"

"I don't need anything to numb it. Please, let's just get it over with."

He sighed reluctantly as he stood up, glancing at me quickly before turning around and walking out of the room. 

I waited patiently for MacCready to come back, and each minute felt like an hour. The pain in my arm increased by the second, and I felt myself losing strength from all the blood loss. I sat up against the wall, coughing, and held my hand over the wound.

"Okay, boss, I found what we n- hey. Stay with me, alright?" 

I nodded slightly, opening my eyes.

"Okay, this might sting a little." He said as he grabbed a stimpack. I closed my eyes again. He jammed it into my arm, and I gasped.

"Shit! Ahh..." I groaned.

"Sorry, but I did warn you." He pulled something labeled 'numbing sample #1' from his pocket. "This was laying out on a table out there. Let's hope it works."


MacCready's pov

I didn't want to put her in her wrong state of mind, but at the same time I didn't want her to feel pain. I sighed and held the small canister up to her lips. She puffed on it, and almost immediately I saw her pained expression loosen up.

I threaded the surgical needle and got to work. She didn't seem to be reacting badly to the needle, which was good.

"And... done. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeahhhh." She droned.

"That's good. Now, let's keep going. The drug will wear off eventually."

She stood up and nodded, not saying anything.

"Just stay behind me, okay?"

"Got it." She stepped behind me, latching onto my arm tightly and almost falling through a hole in the floor. I hope the drug wears off soon, or we're in for one hell of a ride.

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