Chapter Three: Something to Say

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Lena looks up and sees Kara saying something to her friends, getting up and walking towards the two girls, with her backpack over one shoulder, and hands in her pockets. As if on cue, Shawn Mendes' Nervous came in through one of her earbuds.

Damn number one, this song is so relatable right now. And damn number two, she's so cute, Lena thought as she was looking at Kara. She quickly looked at Sam, then asked, "What do I do?"

Her best friend shrugged in response. "Be the smart, chic, nerdy, cute, and the sometimes shady Lena she and I both know. In other words, be yourself," Sam said, then smiled at Lena.

Once Kara came over, she gave Sam a smile. "Hi, Sam."

Sam returned Kara's smile with one of hers. "Hey, Kara. Had a good summer?"

"Yeah it was great," Kara says, then looks to Lena. "Hey Lena, how was your summer?" The Danvers asks the Luthor, smiling that smile Lena loves so dearly.

Lena smiles back only a smile Kara could bring. "It was good. Thankfully, my mother was out of town for about 90% of summer break so it was relaxing."

"That's good. Lee, could I ummm, talk to you for a sec?" Kara asked Lena, using her nickname for her, adjusting her glasses.

Lena knew something was wrong. She always does that when something's off. "Yeah, of course, Kara," she responds as she follows Kara to an empty side of the gym.

"Kara, is everything okay?" Lena asks with concern in both her emerald eyes and her voice as she lets her Irish accent show through.

"I have to tell you something," Kara says as she looks down at her hands, fiddling with them. After a moment she realized she was doing that, she put them back in her pockets.

"Kara, look at me," Lena says softly. When she doesn't, Lena takes her index finger and lifts up the young Danvers' chin, seeing a small tear coming out of each of her eyes. Those blue eyes are beautiful up close. Even when they're stormy whenever she's upset, Lena thought. Still speaking softly, she says, "No matter what you tell me, I will always be your friend. I promise."

Kara nods and sniffles a bit while Lena steps closer and wipes away her tears with both thumbs, being as gentle as she could. Huh, I never realized I was a bit taller than her. One or two inches, I suppose, Lena thinks to herself. "Now, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh, right, okay," Kara says flustered, adjusting her glasses again, looking up a bit to look into Lena's eyes. "Well, I wanted to tell you that I'm-"

The first bell rings, and students all exit the gym doors, except for Kara's group of friends and Sam. Sam walks over to them (seeing as they were all mutual friends) and started talking to them.

"How about this: we go to our classes, and after school, you can come to my place, so that we can hang out and you can tell me what you want to tell me. Sounds good?" Lena asks Kara.

"Yeah, sounds great," she says excitedly, pushing up her glasses, which she always does when she's excited. "Let me just tell Alex and we'll be all set." They both walk towards the group and start heading out the doors. Kara told Alex what her plans were. Alex said it was fine, she just had to tell their parents when she got home. Kara grins at Alex, then at Lena. "So I'll see you guys later. Bye Lena!" They all each split different ways when they get to the intersection of multiple hallways - the busiest part of the school. Lena and Sam heading the same direction, as they both had homeroom together.

"Lena?" Sam asks her as they walk towards the science hallways.

"Hm?" She replies as she bites her lip and looks down.

"You didn't happen to, uh, hack the school's schedules and put me and Kara in most of your classes, right?

"She says with surprise in her voice, for some reason. Do you know who you're talking to, Samantha? Of course I put you, me and Kara in a majority of the same classes. Well, I put you in every one of my classes except you're taking Spanish and I'm taking French," the Luthor says as she grins a little mischievous grin, then bites her lip.

"Okay, what happened between you two?" Sam asks as they enter a classroom to where their homeroom was, sitting down at the same table, next to each other. She looks at the raven-haired girl. "Lena, you're still biting your lip. What did you do?"

"Oh, so you're assuming I did something?" She asks with a shocked expression on her face.

Sam looks at her with a serious stare with one eyebrow raised.

"All right, fine I did something."

"Do tell," Sam says, leaning forward, obviously intrigued.

Lena puts on her mischievous grin again and looks down at her hands on the table. "I asked her to come over after school."

Sam does a little gasp. "No way! After school I'm gonna go grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks fly," she replies and laughs a bit.

Lena looks up at her with a grin on her face. "Oh, there's no way in hell you are-"

"Hey, hey, hey I'm messing with you, Luthor. Lighten up a bit. So are you gonna tell her that you like her?"

Lena gives it a bit of thought. "Well, I mean it all depends on what she has to say, and whether or not I want to tell her."

"You didn't answer my question," Sam says while she pokes Lena's arm.

"All right, all right knock it off," she laughs as she swats away Sam's finger. "I'd say its a maybe. Good enough answer for ya, Arias?"

"Hmph. Okay, Luthor it's your funeral if you don't tell her."

"Oh relax. Please, everything will go fine."

Lena finishes her sentence, and the final bell rings. I just want the day to fly by so that I get to hang out with Kara, Lena thinks to herself. She sits up, ready for the school year to begin.

A/N Haiyaa it's me again. I'm really happy of how this series is turning out, and I hope you do too! Seeing that I have a bit of work to do, I'm gonna do that and get right back to writing. Later guys!


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