Not a Chapter

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Hi hi hi hi. It's been a while. Like more than a week. Lemme explain myself.

A) I just started school. Well, three weeks ago, but it's hell already. I'm trying to balance myself and take my computer to school with me so I can type a bit during lunch, so I'm trying my best, guys.

B) Going through some rough stuff. Due to that, that leads to

C) Idk how often updates are going to be. Hopefully once a week, and if not, I'm sorry in advance for the long waits

D) I mayyy or may not be already writing the sequel and possibly another book. But those are under wraps so sshhhhh.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to some statistics.

Sooo WOW. Over 2.5K views? INSANE. AND almost 200 votes?!?!! You guys are incredible. I would've never thought I would be this successful. My English teacher told me last week that my writing was amazing and that I'm really advanced, so that made my day and inspired me to write more and to keep writing. So I will do that.

But guys, really, thank you for all of this. I would've never imagined getting this many views. AND at one point we were #14 in SUPERCORP STORIES. HOW FRIKIN AWESOME IS THAT???

Literally, every hashtag I included, I'm in the top twenty and tens. So just really, thank you for all the support, my lovelies.

Until the next chapter!


P.S. I've fallen in love with potstickers I'm becoming Kara help😂

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