Chapter Nine: The Truth

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A little continuation from the last chapter and from Lena's P.O.V.

Lena grins and shrugs at Sam's comment. "What can I say? After all, I am a Luthor. We do kill." Lena's grin fades slowly, and Sam sees her face as they walk into their homeroom.

"Lena? What's wrong?"

They both sit down together at the same table, putting their bags down at their sides. Lena fidgets with her hands while Sam looks at her intently.

"Lena, what's going on? Talk to me," Sam pleaded her, taking Lena's hands in hers.

"My mother talked to me this morning," Lena says quietly, still looking at her hands that have Sam's on top of hers.

"What happened?"

Lena told her what happened between the two Luthors, not leaving anything out.

"Damn, Lee, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. She was bound to come back sooner or later. Who knows, maybe she'll go back to wherever she was for good."

"Maybe. But what about the part of you 'being a Luthor after all'?"

Lena was about to answer her question but got cut off by the second bell ringing, and school beginning. She took away her hands from Sam's, looked up, paying attention, just ready to get the day over with.


Lena got home, put everything down, went into the living room and sat on her couch, crawling into a ball with the blanket left over from last night with Kara. Without even realizing it till mere minutes later, she started crying, knowing what her mother meant.

After a few minutes, Lena heard a knock on the door. "It's unlocked," she says loud enough for the person outside to hear.

Someone enters the house. "Lee? Where are you?" Lena recognized the voice as Kara's.

"In the living room," she says quietly, wiping her tears with the blanket so that her girlfriend wouldn't see that she's been crying.

Kara closes the door, walking into the living room. "Hey, I brought the clothes you let me wear today, thanks for tha- Lena, what's wrong?" Kara put the bag of clothes down, as well as her phone on the arm of the couch, and walks quickly over to the red, puffy-eyed Luthor.

"It's-it's nothing," she lies as she sniffles.

Kara sits down on the other side of the couch. "C'mere, Lee."

She scoots over to the girl who has her arms open for her. She rests her head on Kara's chest, letting out a shaky breath, as well as another tear as she wraps her arms around her waist as Kara wraps her arms around the curled up Luthor.

"What's wrong, Lena?" Kara asks softly, stroking her hair with one hand.

"I'll talk about it later. How was your day?"

Kara, knowing that Lena was upset, decided to do what Lena asks. She tells her about the good parts of her day while talking softly, stroking her raven dark hair. Lena liked the vibration of Kara's voice while she talked. It calmed her down. She looks up at Kara and decided she was ready.

"I-I'm ready to talk about it," Lena croaked. "For now, I just want you to listen."

"Okay Lee, whatever you need."

Lena sits up, rests her head on Kara's shoulder and holds her hand. She tells her about her mother visiting her earlier in the morning while she was here, and doesn't leave anything out - just like when she was telling Sam.

Kara nods her head and rubs Lena's hand with her thumb to soothe her as she speaks.

"When I got home, I realized what she meant - when she said I might be a Luthor after all."

Kara nods her head, encouraging her to continue. Lena sits up, ready to go into detail.

"My estranged brother Lex, did terrible things as you know. He's on the run now, and I have no idea where he is, or what he's planning to do next. My mother is a terrible person. Always wanted me to fail when I was younger, made Lex more favored than me, punished me for crap I didn't even do. So when she told me that I might be a Luthor after all, I remembered that I was adopted, not really a Luthor. Maybe I'm just inheriting more of their traits, I don't know. So it could be either that o-o-or..." Lena trails off, hesitating a bit, not wanting to finish that sentence, but she had to since she was already deep in the conversation. She also wanted to be honest with Kara, since she was one out of the two closest friends she had, and her girlfriend.

Kara waits patiently, knowing that her girlfriend was upset, and when she was upset, it's best to not rush her.

Lena inhales a deep breath. "Or, sometime in the near future, I would follow in their footsteps. Doing terrible things without getting caught." She looks up at Kara, who had a soft and solemn expression on her face.

"Lena, I know you. You're an amazing, sweet, intelligent, funny, nerdy and loving person. I know you wouldn't do terrible things because that's not you."

"Should I just embrace it? Cause even though I'm not really a Luthor, I'm still apart of this estranged, terrible family." Lena's breath started to quicken, as well as her heartbeat, that Kara could hear. Tears started to form in her eyes.

Kara leads Lena's head towards her chest where her heart was, laying her head on her heart. "Just listen to my heartbeat and me talking, that should help you calm down a bit." Lena wraps her arms around Kara again, and her doing the same so that Lena could feel safe.

"Lee, I could never see you falling into the same path that your brother and your mother did. If anything, right now, your family are your friends. Me, Sam, James, Winn, Alex, Maggie, and Mike." Even though she didn't want to say his name, she did anyway. "We care about you, Lee. I know that Sam and I always will."

After a while, Lena's breath starts to get softer, easier. Kara knew she was asleep and didn't move, knowing if she did, she would wake up the sleeping Luthor. Knowing she would be there for a while, she reaches for her phone -carefully- that's on the arm of the couch to text her sister, telling her she would be a while and doesn't know when or if she'll be home since she was at Lena's. After she does, she too falls asleep, with Lena still in her arms, and her in Lena's.

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