Chapter Twelve: My Hero

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Right before she opened her mouth to say something she wasn't going to regret, Kara came behind Mike and slapped him on the back of his head. Hard. He let go of Lena's arm, reaching up to rub his head.

"Owww," he exclaims, then looks up to see Kara with her arms crossed at him, with an angry stare. "Kara, what the hell?"

"Micheal Matthews, I told you not to try anything," Kara hisses at him angrily, walking up to his face. "And what do you do? You go and harass my girlfriend. Y'know, just because you're jealous doesn't mean you have to go and target her."

"I'm- I'm not jealous. Don't you understand? She's a damn Luthor!"

"And you're a damn asshole," Lena intervenes, holding her arm that's turned red.

"Micheal, that doesn't matter; it's only a last name," Kara argues.

"So what?? She could be just like the rest of her family. Cold, manipulative, tricksters. I'm just trying to protect you, Kara," he says as he steps towards her, reaching for her arm. She steps back away from him, and towards Lena instead and wraps her arm around her waist.

"If you were trying to protect me, or even think I need to be protected by you of all people, you wouldn't have gone after my girlfriend. You never even gave her a chance because you're so damn jealous that I ended up with her and not you. You know what, Micheal? Save your excuses. You're not going to change my mind about you. Just stay with your jocks and away from me and Lena. You've done enough. C'mon Lena, let's go get you some ice." Both Lena and Kara walk away from him, towards the nurse's office. He storms off to the gym, shoving people that gathered around out his way.

"Although I could've handled that, thank you, Kar. You're my hero."

"Are you okay, babe?" Kara stops and holds Lena's face in her hands, her eyes scanning Lena's face and eyes for emotion.

Lena holds her face as well, kisses her, then looks into her worried eyes. "Kara sweetie, I'm fine. Just a sore bruise and words I've heard before. Nothing new," she assures her girlfriend with a weak smile.

"Well, we're going to put some ice on it so it doesn't get any worse, or hurt as much."

"Okay, Doctor Danvers," she says with a laugh.

"Those are my parents. I don't wanna be a doctor," she says as they walk towards the nurse's office with Lena cradling her arm.

"So what do you wanna be, Kara?"

"Mmm, I was thinking of working for a magazine of some sorts, somewhere in journalism. Maybe a reporter."

"Well, I think you'd be an excellent reporter."

"Thanks, Lee. So what are you gonna be?"

"I'm most likely going to take over the family company. So I'll be in the business category. Who knows, maybe you'll interview me one day."

Kara chuckles a little. "Maybe one day, Miss Luthor. One day."

They both get to the nurse's office, seeing no one there. They let themselves in. They put their bags down and Lena sits down in a chair while Kara gets ice from the freezer for her arm.

"Lemme see how bad it is," she says as she sits down next to her.

"Kara, it's not that bad," Lena says as she holds out her right forearm, which was now a shade of blue and purple from its previous red. Kara touched it lightly and Lena slightly winced.

"Not that bad, eh?" Kara remarks as she puts the ice on the bruise and lightly.

"Pain's an old friend, I can take it."

"Not alone, you don't have to." Kara looks at her with a smile as she moves a strand of hair from Lena's face.

Lena held her hand and kissed her. "You're my hero, Kara Danvers," she says smiling.

Kara smiles back. "And you are mine."

"How so?"

Kara was about to explain when the nurse of the school Ms. Wentworthe came in and saw the two girls.

"Hey, Ms. Wentworthe. Lena got a bad bruise, so she and I let ourselves in to get her some ice," Kara explains.

"That's quite alright. I'll write you both passes back to class so you two can be on your way."

The two girls nodded. She wrote them out, tore them off the paper and gave one to each of them as they both said 'thank you'. Kara grabbed both of their bags, put hers on her back, and followed Lena out the door towards her English class.

"Love, you don't have to do that."

"Lena, your arm is bruised and your other hand is holding the ice on it to stop the swelling. I'm fine, I promise."

"Alright. So what did you mean that I'm your hero?"

"Well, you know how I'm adopted?"

Lena nods, encouraging her to continue.

"Well, when I met you, you made me feel like I wasn't alone. With the whole adopted thing, and not having really, any friends. Everything changed when I met you." They stopped outside of Lena's class, both standing close to each other.

"I would say the same about you, but you said it all." Lena puts the ice down and pulls Kara close by her hips, holding her hands there.

Kara puts Lena's bag down and puts her hands around her neck and smiles her dorky smile. "Shut up and kiss me already."

She grins back. "Yes, ma'am." Lena does what Kara says and kisses nice and slow. They rest their foreheads on each other's, looking into their eyes.

"I'll see you later, Lee." Kara kisses her one more time before handing her bag and ice back to her.

"Bye, darling." Lena smiles to herself as she enters the class. All she could think about the rest of the day was her hero, Kara Danvers.

A/N: Ok so Kara is defensive when it comes to her girlfriend, so don't mess with Lena Luthor, aight everyone? Ok. This is going great! Hope you all like it!


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