Chapter Thirteen: September Twenty-Sec-Nope

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Kara got to school earlier than usual, around 7:25. After getting ready and put everything Kara needs for Lena, she heads to school with Alex and they met up with Winn, James, and Maggie outside at the bus loop.

"We're missing people. Where's Sam and Mike?" Alex asked.

"Sam's going to be here in a bit to distract Lena," Kara explained. "Micheal is not going to join us, or be anywhere near me or Lena, hopefully not anytime soon."

"Wait, Kara, what happened?" James asked for everyone in the group.

"A couple weeks ago, he told me to be careful with her since I'm now in a relationship with her, and to not trust her. I might've pinned him up against a locker and told him to watch his mouth." Kara looks down at her fidgeting hands. "Then a couple of days ago, Micheal harassed Lena and said the same thing every jerk says about Luthors- to never trust them. I told him to stay with his jocks and away from me and Lena."

Maggie whistles. "Who knew Little Danvers' got some toughness under her soft skin."

"Hey, I can be tough. When opportunity strikes," Kara says, fidgeting with her glasses.

"And when that opportunity strikes, it's defending your friends," Maggie says while she puts a hand on Kara's shoulder with a small smile to show her dimples. "Now, enough talk. Don't we have a surprise for your girlfriend?"

Kara smiled, then followed everyone in. Alex fell back a bit to get in line with her sister.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me about this?" She asked calmly.

"Alex, I'm Kryptonian. I can take care of myself," she whispers so that no one else can hear her.

"That you are. But you're still my little sister and my responsibility. So if Mom or Dad found out about this, they'd have my head. So if something like this happens again-"

"I know, I know we'd both be scolded and then possibly grounded. I'll try to not let it happen again."

"Good girl," Alex says smiling, patting her cheek.

They all get to Lena's locker and start setting up.

**SAM'S P.O.V.**

Sam was leaning against the brick wall of the school at the bus loop, on her phone texting Kara.

Kara: Is Lena there yet?

Sam looks up to see Lena coming up the hill and towards her. 

Sam: Yea, she's coming up the hill now. How long do you guys need?

Kara: 5 mins tops. I'll let you know when we're ready

Sam: Alright see you soon. Lena's gonna love this

Lena walks up to Sam, who was still on her phone. "Hey, Sam. You're here kinda earlier than usual."

Sam fumbles her phone in her hand for a moment, then puts it away. Lena chuckles a bit. "You can be such a klutz sometimes."

"Hey, that's- actually true. Damn you, Luthor. Yeah, my mom drove me here. How's your arm?" Sam asks as they both walk in the building side by side.

Lena shows Sam her arm. "The swelling's gone down a bit. Still blue, but less purple."

"Well I'm no doctor, but that's good, right?" 

"Yeah, it is," Lena replies as they walk into the gym towards the bleachers. She looks across the gym for where Kara and their friends would be, but only found Mike and his jocks there instead, passing a football around. Lena glares at Mike. "Hey, do you know where Kara is? And the rest of our friends?"

Sam ignores her and replies to Kara's text.

Kara: We're ready!

Sam: Great! On our way

"Sam? Sam, did you hear me?" Lena says as she pokes her side.

"What? Oh, yeah. Um, Kara and our friends have a little thing going on, and wanted us to meet up with them."

"Okay, where?"

"Ummm, what's the classroom across from your locker?"

"The computer lab."

"Well, that's where we're going." Sam gets up and heads towards the doors. "You comin', Lena?"

Lena gets up and follows her. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

**LENA'S P.O.V.**

"Sam, do you know what's going on?" She asks Sam as they head towards her locker.

Sam shakes her head. "Nope," she lies, popping the 'p'.

"Sam, I know you know what's going on. So really, what's going on?"

"You'll see."

Lena looks at her with a confused face. "Remind me, what's today's date?"

"September twenty-sec-nope nope nope not allowed to say that," Sam says quickly.

"Say what? Sam, what's really going on?"

They get to her locker and Lena gasps a bit and puts her hand to her mouth. She sees...

A/N: Ooooo what did Lena see?? We'll see next time!


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