Chapter Seventeen: Girls Night pt. 3

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By now, the girls changed into their pajamas. Lena in the new sweatpants, t-shirt, and hoodie Kara bought for her, Kara in the ones Lena let her keep, and Sam still changing into her shorts and t-shirt. After seeing her changed, Kara grinned.

"You like 'em?" She asked.

"They're great. Thank you, Kar." She puts her arms around her and kisses her slow. Kara runs her hands up and down Lena's back, causing her to shiver a bit. After a while, they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They both look up and see Sam leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed with a smirk across her face.

"Gosh, get a room, you two. You have company," Sam scoffs playfully, walking in, putting her clothes in her bag.

"At least you weren't my mother," Kara mutters only loud enough for Lena to hear, and she chuckles a bit, making them both smile.

"Okay, I still need to choose a game for tonight," Lena says. She looks through the games and chooses Chinese checkers.

"I... don't know how to play that. Smart ass wonder, can you teach me?" Sam jokes with Lena.

"I prefer intelligent, but yes I'll teach you."

"Okay, so you do that and I'll go get our ice cream," Kara says, already walking out the door.

When she gets downstairs, she sees Eliza reading some science reports on her tablet.

"Hi, Mom. I'm getting our ice cream," Kara says as she opens the freezer to get the three pints of ice cream.

"Okay sweetie, don't make a mess," Eliza says, not looking up from her tablet.

"You got it," Kara replies, walking to the drawer to get spoons.

Eliza takes off her reading glasses and looks at her daughter. "You like Lena, don't you?"

"Hm?" Kara looks up at her, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Oh sweetie, I see you two." Kara walks towards her with the ice cream and spoons in a plastic bag in hand, then sits down next to her. "The way you've talked about her before, your eyes lighting up whenever you mention her, you always smiling too. Now that I've seen you two in person around each other, around her you're practically glowing. You both steal little glances at each other, you sometimes blushing. And I know that she likes you too."

Kara sets the bag on the table, looks down, and fidgets with her hands. "We're actually dating, mom."

Eliza takes Kara's hands in hers. "Look at me, sweetheart." Kara looks up with tears in her eyes. "I will always love you and your sister. No matter what. Us moms, we kinda have a sixth sense for feelings and all that." She smiles a warm smile. "Just be good to her, okay Kara?"

"Okay," she replies as her mother wipes away a tear from her face. She kisses her forehead and hugs her. "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too."

"Now, go back to your friends. Don't want the ice cream to melt." She lets go of her daughter.

"Oh, definitely not," Kara laughs. She gets up, gets the bag and back to her friends. She sits next to Lena and gives a pint of mint chip to Sam, rocky road to Lena, and cookie dough for herself.

"You understand the game, Sam?" Kara asks as she hands out spoons.

"Yeah, not overly complicated. I got this," Sam says as she opens her pint, digging in.

"This is a game of strategy, don't be cocky, Sam," Lena notes as Kara gives her a spoonful of rocky road, both of them smiling.

"And of course with you having the most brains," Sam says, moving a marble.

"You're gonna dominate," Kara finishes as she moves one of hers.

"Exactly, girls," Lena says, eating her ice cream, moving a marble.


During their third game of Chinese checkers, Sam falls asleep and Lena's head is laying in Kara's lap while she plays with her hair.

"Hey, I wanna show you something," Kara whispers to her girlfriend. "Grab a blanket."

Lena sits up, getting off of Kara, and grabs a blanket. Kara gets up to grab one of her own blankets, goes to the window, opens it, and puts one leg out the window. "Come on Lena!" She holds out her hand, and Lena takes it.

After getting out the window and onto the roof, she helps Lena get out. She puts her blanket down, sits down on it, and motions Lena to sit down with her. She sits down and wraps the blanket around both of them since it was chilly up on the roof.

Kara grabs Lena's hand a pulls her back to lay down. They both do and huddle close together to keep warm. When Lena looks up, she gasps a bit, surprised at seeing so many stars in the night sky.

"I knew you'd like it." Kara grins at the sea of stars.

"They're amazing. Beautiful," Lena whispers, then looks at Kara, who looks back. Kara sees a tear fall down her cheek, wipes it away with her thumb, and cups her cheek. "This has been the best birthday by far. Thank you, Kara."

Kara kisses her. "Anything to make you happy, Lee. Happy birthday." She kisses her again. They stay outside and look at the stars for a few more minutes, then head back inside together. They fall asleep on Kara's bed with Kara spooning her girlfriend. This has been a birthday Lena could never forget.

A/N: Heyyyy so I'm sorry I took a while updating I decided to make this Girls Night into parts, and I haven't been feeling good. But other than that, what'd you think of the first girls night? And Lena's birthday? Frikin awesome, right? Hope you like it! Inspiration strikes me when I can't sleep, have a headache, at 5:00 in the morning. Ugh I need help.

Love, Lj

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