Chapter Twenty-Four: Christmas Came Early

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A/N: This has some smut in it, so if you can't handle it then don't read it, and skip towards the end, or wait till the next chapter.

Kara and Lena walked home together, hand in hand, in the cold weather of December. Winter break started, so they didn't have to worry about much over the holidays concerning school work. "What are you gonna do for the holidays, Lena?"

"Probably just read and relax."

"That's it?" Kara asked, shocked.

"Well, my brother is on the run, and my mother just cares about her gala, so they're not obviously gonna give a damn about me and come home to celebrate with me."

"So if you're not going to celebrate with them, come with me."

"Darling, we're going to my house right now."

"No, no, no, not right now, I know that, silly. I meant for Christmas. Jeremiah is still on his business trip, so he sadly won't be home for the holidays. Eliza wouldn't mind, she likes you a lot. Alex is having Maggie over, so I don't understand why you can't either. Maybe Sam could come over too, I don't know what she's doing."

"Kara, sweetie, you're very thoughtful, but I wouldn't want to intrude."

Kara stops, making Lena stop too. She grabs her other hand from her pocket and holds it as well. "Babe, you wouldn't be intruding. You're family. Eliza would be delighted to have you over, and I would love to be around my girlfriend for Christmas."

"How about this- I'll think about it. For now," Lena says as she looks at Kara up and down, biting her lip. "I really wanna get home because I don't think I can keep my hands off you for much longer."

Kara's cheeks go from a rosy pink to a deeper shade as she smiles. "Come on then. We're almost there." She kisses her nose and they keep walking.

When they get to the Luthor house, they put their bags and coats down in the dining room. Lena leads Kara by her hand up to her room. She closes the door and leans against it. "So, Ms. Danvers, would you like to finish what we started earlier?" Lena grins as she steps closer to Kara who was sitting on her bed.

"I'd like that very much, Ms. Luthor," Kara says as she grins and pulls Lena closer so that she was straddling her on her lap.

Lena takes off Kara's glasses and puts them aside. She puts her arms around her neck and kisses her fast and intently like there was no tomorrow. Kara holds her by her hips tight and kisses her back as quickly as she was, leaning into her. Lena moves her hands to Kara's cheeks, holding them. Kara pulls away and rests her forehead on Lena's. "Geez, your hands are cold," she says, panting.

"And you're really warm. How are you this warm in winter?"

Kara grins as she shrugs. "A hidden talent."

Lena moves her hands under Kara's shirt. "Damn, no kidding, you're really warm. Are you okay, Kar?"

"Maybe I just get really heated with you around," Kara says, grinning more.

Lena rolls her eyes and grins down at her girlfriend. "You, Ms. Danvers"-- she takes her shirt off, revealing her black lace bra and her abdomen --"are trouble." She throws her shirt across her room.

"Nah, I think it's the other way 'round, babe," Kara says, struggling to keep her eyes in contact with Lena's.

Lena smirks at her. "Too distracting for you, babe?" she asks as she leans closer to Kara's face.

"N-not at all," Kara says before taking her shirt off as well. Lena looks down and first sees abs. ABS.

"Holy shit, you're ripped," Lena says, not even looking up to Kara's beige bra or her face.

Kara throws her shirt in the same direction where Lena threw hers and smirks. "Too distracting for you, babe?"

She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Shut up and kiss me." Lena throws Kara down on the bed, getting on top of her and kissing her roughly, feeling Kara's abs against her torso. She pulls away from Kara and kisses her jawline, trailing down her neck and towards her chest, getting a hum of delight from her. She lays on top of Kara and traces light, little patterns on her chest, slowly going more towards her breasts.

"Babe, that tickles a bit," Kara says as she looks up at Lena.

Lena grins. "Should've never said that cause now I'll keep going."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Lena opens her mouth to say something, but instead out comes a little squeal as Kara moves her off of her and to her left on the bed.

Lena laughs. "That was cruel!"

"If it wasn't cruel, would you kiss me back?" Kara pulls Lena's body close to hers and kisses her, who kisses back. "Yeah, thought so."

"So I can't kiss you back because I just want to?"

Kara smiles. "I guess you can. I like it when you kiss me."

"Mm, I bet." Lena kisses her.

"So do you think you wanna come over for Christmas?" Kara wraps her arms around Lena, pulling her close so they could stay warm in their bras.

"If it means being with you, then yes, I'll come."

Kara grins and kisses her again. "You won't regret it. I promise."

"Okay. Can we put sweaters on and cuddle downstairs near the fireplace?"

"Yeah, sure. Get some sweaters for us while I get the fire started." Kara puts her shirt back on and heads downstairs to the fireplace in the living room.

Kara makes sure the vent is open and puts wood down. She quickly uses her heat vision to light the fire and adds some kindling to it. She grabs blankets and pillows from the couch and sets them in front of the fire.

Lena comes down the stairs in a black sweater with green Christmas trees on it and poinsettia flowers on it and holds out a white sweater with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on it. "You like it?" She throws it to her.

"I love it." Kara catches it in the air and pulls it over her head. After putting the sweater on, she opens her arms open to Lena. She chuckles and gets down on the carpet with the pillows, blanket and her girlfriend. She wraps a blanket around them and cuddles into Kara, wrapping her arms around her torso, feeling the softness of the sweater and the heat from the fire.

"It feels like Christmas came early," Lena says as she yawns.

Kara kisses the top of her head. "Yeah, I guess it did," she says quietly, holding Lena close to her. They both fall asleep in front of the fire, once again in each other's arms.

A/N: Heyyy it's a me. My dudes, this story is going PHENOMENALLY. Over 700 VIEWS??? HOLY CRAP. Geez, thanks everyone that means a lot I'm so grateful.

Love, Lj

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