Chapter Thirty-One: Prom Night

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The chauffeur opened the car door for them and Lena and Sam stepped out the car, walking up to the Danvers' door with the corsage in a box in Lena's hand and two bags over Sam's shoulders- as they would both be spending the night later with their friends. She took a deep breath. It's okay, Lena. It's Kara. Just taking her out as my prom date. All of that will come at a later time. Just enjoy yourself.

"Hey, you'll be okay," Sam says, snapping her out of her thoughts and almost as if she could read them. "Just have fun tonight. You'll be with Kara all night, and both of you will look great. You already look amazing," she reassures her, rubbing circles on her back. "What could go wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah you're right."

"I know I am. Now, knock on the door. After all, you are the one taking her to prom."

Lena lets out another deep breath before knocking on the door. "I got it!!" someone yells from the inside. Lena chuckles and looks over at Sam. 

"Alex," they both say.

The door opens and they were right. "Hey Sam, hey-" Alex stops to let out a low whistle. "Damn, Luthor, you're lookin' fine."

Alex had to look Lena up and down again. Lena was wearing an emerald green jacket over a white shirt that had little swirls of green on it and a black bow tie with similar patterns on it. She wore pressed black pants and black dress shoes that went perfectly. Her hair curled, back into a ponytail and two thick, long curls on either side of her face and a red lipstick to go with it. She looked stunning.

Lena smiles. "Well, dress to impress, right?"

"Kara's going to love it." Alex grins and steps aside to let them in.

"Hold still, Kara! I don't want to burn you on accident." Maggie had the curling iron in her hand, trying to finish the last of Kara's hair.

"Sorry, Mags. Are you almost done?"

"Right about..." She lets loose her hair. "Now. You look great, kid." She sets down the iron and fluffs her hair.

"Who knew you were good at hair?" Kara said observing herself in the mirror.

Maggie shrugs. "Hidden talent, maybe. I'll bring Alex up to do your make-up. That is something I am not good at."

Maggie walks out of the bathroom and downstairs to grab Alex. "Hey, Sam. Ally, I'm finished with Kara. It's your tu- SANTA MADRE DE DIOS HOLY SHIT YOU LOOK AMAZING!!" she yells, making the girls laugh and Lena smile in return.

"Alex! Tell your girlfriend to watch her language!" Eliza playfully scolds, walking into the room. "Hi, Sam."

"Hi, Eliza," Sam says in her hug.

She turns to Lena. "Oh, honey, you look amazing." Eliza wraps her in a hug, making Lena smile even more.

"Thank you, Mrs. Danvers."

"How many times do I have to tell you to get it through that thick skull of yours? Eliza."

Lena sheepishly smiles. "Sorry, Eliza."

"That's better."

Lena turns back to Maggie, who's still in awe. "You picked it out for me. It truly is amazing and perfect. I can't thank you enough."

Maggie walks up to her, not taking her eyes off her, waving Alex off. "Alex, go help Kara finish up while I run Lena down and make sure everything's good. Sam, go with her and make sure she's in tip-top shape. I've got it from here." 

"You got it." The two go up the stairs while Eliza goes off to do whatever she was doing before, leaving the two down in the living room.

Maggie immediately looks her up and down, fixing her collar and bow tie. "Cufflinks?"

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