Chapter Thirty-Five: Packing and Drinking the Nights Away

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A/N: I thought this should happen before Lena moves, so why not? Kara is bold and both are underlined. Enjoy, my lovlies.

It was early almost mid-August as Lena stood in the middle of her room with her hair in a messy bun, light green tank top, and black running shorts. Her hands on her hips as she hummed in thought as in what could go away as she scanned the room with her eyes.

Kara came up the stairs with multiple unmade boxes in her hands. "We're here!"

Sam poked out from behind her with a grin on her face as they entered her room with tape guns, rolls of extra tape, and a few Sharpies. "Heya, Luthor."

"You guys really didn't have to-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, LL," Maggie says as she walks into the room over to her. "You're going away to college and we want to make sure that our little scholar here," she says as she wraps an arm around her neck and brings her down to her height. "Has everything she needs." She ruffles her already messy hair, making it more of a mess.

Lena laughs. "You're like a shorter, older, gay sister, you know that, right?"

"I know. I'm awesome, right?" Maggie rhetorically asks as she lets her go. "Alex and I are downstairs packing away some basic stuff you'll need in your apartment which is conveniently located across campus. Holler if you need us." Maggie walks out, leaving the trio in Lena's room.

Lena doesn't even bother to fix her hair. She claps her hands, gaining the two's attention. "Let's get to it."

"But first..." Kara holds up a BlueTooth speaker and Sam her phone. 

Lena grins at them. "My girls. Play it loud and proud."

"With pleasure." Sam turns on the music, letting it blast so that Sanvers could hear it from downstairs.

Throughout the afternoon, the girls spent the day packing up what Lena could deal without for the next two, barely three weeks. The trio upstairs packed away some winter, fall, and spring outfits and shoes that she didn't need at the moment, some of her books, school supplies, and a few necessities. Meanwhile downstairs, Maggie and Alex packed away some extra bed sheets, blankets, and jackets.

Everyone collapses on the couches in the living room. "Who knew packing only a few things could be so tiring?" Sam groans with her eyes shut.

"Tell me about it," Alex returns as she lets Maggie lay on top of her.

Lena looks at the time and sees it's six o'clock. She grins with her eyes full with a bit of mischief. "I have a proposal."

Sam opens one eye and sees the expression her friend is wearing, automatically opening the other. "That's not a good look," she says, pointing at her with an index finger. "That's never a good look. We need to hide."

Kara chuckles while Alex looks over at Lena with an intrigued look. "Spill, Luthor."

"How about this: tonight and the Friday before I leave, all girls night. But, we liven it up."

Maggie turns her head to look at Lena across the room with a confused look on her face. "Qué?"

"To repeat my girlfriend..." Alex looks at Lena with a furrowed brow. "What?"

"Well, I know that Sam's had a bit of alcohol in her life." Lena turns to see Sam shrugging.

"Guilty." Sam looks over at Sanvers. "Mags? Al?"

Maggie nods. "Hispanics drink young, so I'm used to it."

Alex nods along with her. "She kinda reeled me into it. Good stuff."

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