Chapter Sixteen: Girls Night pt. 2

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Kara gets a few board games, then they all head back to her room and she picks Scrabble first.

"So I just realized this-are we all adopted?" Sam questioned.

"Wait, you're adopted?" Lena and Kara asked in unison, both of their brows furrowed.

"Yeah, I might've forgotten to mention that," Sam says sheepishly, sipping her water.

"So I guess we're all adopted sisters now. Who knows, we all could've been separated at birth," Kara teases, making them all laugh.

"Kara, there's no absolute way. We all look, are, and act too different," Lena argues.

"Oh, don't get all sciencey on me. Go do that with Eliza," Kara says and she and Lena both chuckle.


"Oh that is so not fair. Come on, Lena, lighten up on your vocabulary of long words," Sam complains.

"Hey, when I have the chance to spell 'objectifying' with a triple word score, you can bet your ass that I'm taking it," Lena smirks as she bites into a slice of pizza.

"Oh stop complaining Sam. After all, you are in the lead," Kara says as she adds up the points on the fourth game.

"Really?" Sam perks up.

"The lead of last place, that is." Kara eats a pot sticker as both her and Lena laugh and high five at Sam's disappointed face.

"You guys are no fun. I mean come on you can't even let me win one game?" Sam pleads.

"Hey, I won one game. Lena won the other two. Catch up, Arias," Kara says.

"After this, we're playing Uno, I'm better at that."

"Oh, we'll see about that, Samantha," Lena says as she smirks, sipping on her glass of root beer.


"Uno out! I win again!" Sam gloats and smiles. "What were you saying earlier, Lena?"

Kara and Lena both put their cards down to reveal what they had, admitting defeat for the fifth time in a row.

"Kar, you had a plus four wild card! You could've used it!" Lena points out.

"Oh, you're one to talk, Luthor. You had three wild cards you could've changed the color!" Kara says, defending herself.

"Unbelievable," Lena shakes her head as she gathers all the cards.

A/N: Short little part of this three-parter. Keep reading to see what happens!


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