Chapter Twenty-Seven: Super Soccer Star

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**Sorry for all the big time skips cause nada interesting happens in January and whatever but TIME SKIP TO MARCH**

March. The start of spring. For some people, it was the start of sports. And that was Lena. She couldn't wait for Friday to be over so that she could go to soccer tryouts.

Once the final bell of the day rang, she practically ran to the locker room, eager to start. She chatted with the other girls trying out, talking about professional and team soccer, their likes and dislikes. Surprisingly, she was the last one to finish getting ready.

Lena was putting on her shin guards when she heard a voice say, "Shouldn't you be out and about, Miss Luthor?"

Lena turned around grinning, seeing her girlfriend at the door. "What are you doing here?"

Kara walks towards Lena. "Now what makes you think that your girlfriend is gonna miss your tryouts?"

"Fair point."

"I also have to write a piece for the newspaper."

"So are you here as my girlfriend or reporter?"

"I'm always going to support you as your girlfriend."

"That didn't answer my question."

Kara kisses her, pushing her against the lockers. "That answer your question?"

"Yes, it did." Lena kisses her again, wrapping her arms around her.

Kara breaks the kiss and puts her forehead on Lena's. "You nervous?"

Lena shrugs. "A bit. More excited than nerves."

Kara takes her hands and rubs little circles with her thumbs. "You'll do great and you'll make it on the team. You're an amazing player who can kick my ass every time."

Lena softly chuckles and smiles. "Thank you, Kara."

Kara kisses her again. "Now go make me proud." She pulls back, but Lena pulls her back towards her and kisses her passionately. "Love you."

"I love you, too."

Kara lets go of her hands and walks out the locker room. Lena lets out a deep breath, ties her hair back, grabs her soccer ball, and heads out the door. She gets on the field with all the other girls on one side, and the boys on the other. She sees Mike and sneers in disgust. She turns her head towards the bleachers and sees Kara and their group of friends. She smiles and gets lost in her beauty, but a voice snaps her out of it.

"Hey! You're Lena, right? Lena Luthor?"

Lena turns around and sees a redhead with sports glasses on and a ball underneath her feet. "Yeah, that's me. And you're Barbara Gordon, I presume?" Lena starts kicking her ball back and forth from her knees.

"Yep. I play goalie."

"And I play forward. I remember seeing you in my science classes."

"As do I. Good luck today." Lena was about to reply, but a voice rang out.

"Luthor! Gordon! Let's go!" the coach yells.

And thus, tryouts begin.

Kara took out her computer and sat it on her lap, opening a new document for her article. "How do you think Lena's gonna do?" Winn asks while doing his calculus homework and eating Cheeto Puffs.

Kara titles the document and looks up at the field. "I think she's gonna do great. The soccer teams have done really great in the past, so adding Lena to the team would make them even better." She grabs some Cheetos from him and crunches on them.

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