Chapter Four: The Luthor House

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Lena was sitting in her seventh period U.S. History class with Sam at her side and Kara on the other side of the room. Lena's leg was bouncing up and down, anxious for school to be over. She looked at the clock, seeing that there were only three minutes left. As the class finished up icebreakers (which Lena hated), an announcement came on over the P.A. system:

Gooooddd afternoon everybody this is your principal, Ms. Cantusha speaking. I hope everyone had a great first day back. Ninth graders welcome to high school. I hope you all had a great summer. But now, the school year has begun, so I look forward to having a great year everyone. Thank you, you are all now dismissed.

The final bell of the school day rang. Students ran out of classrooms left and right. Lena got her bag off the back of her chair and headed towards the door with Sam right behind her. 

"So you ready to be with your crush for a while?" Sam teased her. 

"Sam, she's not only my crush, but she's also my friend. So it'll all be fine." The girls got outside to see Kara waiting for them against one of the lockers. Lena smiled at her, and Kara smiled back.

"Ready, Kara?" Lena asked.

"Lead the way."

The three girls went outside to the bus loop. Sam quickly saying goodbye and that she'll text Lena later, then she goes to get on her bus before it leaves. 

Lena and Kara walk down the hill, towards the Luthor house.

"How was your day, Kara?"

"It was pretty good. It was nice to see everyone again. How about you?"

"Yeah, same as you, it was nice seeing Sam, you and your friends," Lena says looking at her with a small smile, knowing what was about to come.

"Our friends, Lena."

"Are you sure they're my friends, too?" Lena asks, looking at her friend with a slightly worried look in her eye.

"Lee, just because you're a Luthor, doesn't mean anything." 

"Yeah, it kinda does, Kara because my brother just made the family name worse. Now I'll be judged by everyone wherever I go."

Kara holds Lena's hand. Lena doesn't immediately hold hers back, but after a little moment, she does.

"Lena, I will never judge you just for some silly last name. All that matters is that you're you. The same silly, chic, nerdy, cute, funny and a little shady Lena I know."

Lena looks at the ground, bites her lip, turns it into a smile. Wait a minute, did she just call me cute???, Lena thought to herself, getting excited on the inside. She looks back up at Kara. "How did I end up with an amazing friend like you?"

"I believe it was during lunch when Adam Foster was bullying you about your family, and I stepped up for you. He got distracted by me, and then Alex and you both punched him. You in the stomach and Alex in the face." Kara remembers that day vividly.

I remember it as the day I first had a crush on you, Lena thought to herself. "We both got detention for a week, but it was worth it," Lena says as both she and Kara let out a small laugh. She gets out her keys as they walk on the stone to the entrance of the Luthor house.

"Hey wait a minute, I recognize this place," Kara says in a bit of surprise in her voice.

"Well, I mean it is the Luthor house," Lena says as she unlocks the door, with Kara's hand still in the other. 

"Yeah, well, I mean, when I've gone on runs, I passed by here, so my house is up the street."

"Huh, well I guess I should see you more often then," Lena says with a little grin.

Lena lets go of Kara's hand to get two glasses of cold water. She gives one to Kara, takes her hand again, and leads her upstairs to her room. Kara looks around her room. She has the whole room painted a dark gray with little white dots to resemble stars, with posters of NASA, soccer posters, and ones from science fairs or science-cons. 

"You are a big nerd," Kara says while putting her backpack down on the floor, taking off her shoes.

"And you are a big dork, but it's cute," Lena says as she smiles at Kara, while Kara smiles and blushes back in response. Lena puts her bag and shoes next to Kara's and sits on her bed, leaning against the pillows, sips her water, and puts it on the night table on the side of the bed. Kara sits next to her and puts her glass next to Lena's, which has a burgundy lip stain from her lip gloss. "So what did you want to talk about this morning, Kara?"

"Well, um, over the summer, I re-realized s-s-something," Kara says, flustered as she adjusts her glasses.

Lena turns to Kara, takes her glasses off and puts them next to the glasses with water so that Kara doesn't fidget with them. She takes both of Kara's hands with her own and rubs them with her thumbs so that she can calm down and not fidget with her hands as well. "Honey, whatever it is you want to tell me, I'm here for you. Always," Lena says with her accent.

Kara nods and takes a deep breath. "Okay. Over the summer I realized that I'm..."

A/N Oof another cliffhanger. I just can't help myself :P Heyaaa it's me. I'm having a lot of fun writing this. Especially right now since it's raining and it helps a lottt. Can you guys guess what Kara is? If so, comment and see in the next chapter if you're right! Hope you all like this! Till next time!


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