Chapter Eight: She's a Luthor

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A/N This is a little continuation from chapter seven:

"Okie. Bye, Sam," she says before she quickly pecks Lena's cheek. "See you later, Lena." Kara goes in the doors and into the gym, leaving a grinning Lena alone with an open-mouthed Sam.

"Now that was..."

"Unexpected?" Lena offered as she finished her sentence, smirking at her best friend. "I'm a Luthor after all, we do the unexpected." Lena quickly remembers the conversation she had with her mother, then the smirk quickly faded.

Lena walks into the building with a still open-mouthed Sam behind her.

"Lena Kieran Luthor don't you dare walk away from me without explaining everything."

Lena turns around on her heel with a grin on her face. "Now this is what I meant by a shocked look on your face," she says as she giggles a bit.

"Okay, spill. What happened? And is she wearing your clothes??"

Lena laughs at her friend's expression as they both walk side by side when they enter the gym. "I'll explain that later. When she came over, she told me that she was bisexual. I asked who it was, and instead of telling me, she.." Lena trails off, biting her lip, thinking of Kara's lips on hers.

"Wait a minute, she..?" Sam asks, not even finishing her sentence, knowing that Lena knows the end of it.

"Yup," Lena replies, looking at her friend, grinning from ear to ear.

"No way! So what'd you girls do after that?" She asked as they both sat down on the bleachers.

"Well, the thunderstorms last night started, and Kara's a bit scared of them, and it's somewhat adorable. Well, I mean, she is adorable because of those blue eyes and that smile, her little quirks..." Lena drifts off as she looks at Kara across the room out the corner of her eye, seeing her smiling with her - no, their friends.

"Lena," Sam says sternly as she pokes at her side, waving a hand in front of her face. "Focus."

Lena turns towards her friend, giving Sam her full and undivided attention. "Okay, okay, knock it off. So she stayed the night over, we watched Star Wars, ate, and cuddled. I gave her a pair of my sweatpants, t-shirt, and hoodie so that she could sleep in them, and we - this isn't what it sounds like - went to bed in my room."

"Awww, adorable. Sooo, did either of you ask?"

"Ask what?" Lena asks with a bit of her accent, raising an eyebrow.

"Ask to be girlfriends?"

"Samantha Arias I have no idea what you're talking about," Lena says quickly, with her accent fully.

"You did!!" Sam says excitedly, jumping up and down.

"How the hell could you tell?" Lena asks, holding Sam's arms, calming her friend down.

"Well you talk with your accent all the way when you lie, and sometimes you talk quickly."

I need to work on that, Lena thought to herself as she lets go of Sam's arms. "Let me finish, I'm not done. I woke up early to make us breakfast and-" Lena doesn't finish that sentence, thinking if she should tell Sam about her encounter with her adoptive mother.

"What?" Sam asks with a confused look on her face. "Is everything okay, Lena?"

"Yeah, yeah I just have to tell you something after I finish about Kara and I. So, Kara kinda maybe heard me singing," Lena looks down, blushing.

"Lena, you know you sing fine. There's nothing wrong with your voice," Sam says, reassuring her friend.

"Oh, please Sam, don't be modest. My voice sounds like a chirping cheetah and lynx combined together whenever I sing."

"Apparently not to Kara," Sam says with a little smirk.

"Whatever. And to answer your question from earlier, yes she's wearing my clothes. We're practically the same size, so she didn't have to wear the same thing twice."

"You, my friend, are a great girlfriend so far," Sam says, grinning at Lena.

Lena grins back at her. "Don't worry, I won't ditch you for her, I promise."

"Oh, I was not worried about that. I mean I live relatively near you, so I could always drop by. And our friends do too, so maybe we could all have a game night together."

"You know what, Sam, that's actually not a bad idea. You all would have to contribute, though."

"I'm sure everyone would be down with that."

The first bell rings, and the girls head over towards Kara and their friends, who were waiting for them near the doors. Kara holds Lena's hand and smiles at her, which Lena of course has to return with one of her own.

Alex comes over to Lena's side as they walk out of the gym. "Hey," she says and Lena looks over at her. "Be good to her."

"Of course. I could never dream of hurting her."

"Good, cause I don't want anything happening to my little sister."

"Neither do I." Lena smiles in agreement, and Alex returns hers with one.

They all go their separate ways, Lena kissing Kara before she and Sam go to their homeroom.

"Damn, Luthor, it hasn't even been 24 hours and you're killin' it with this whole girlfriend thing."

Lena grins and shrugs at Sam's comment. "What can I say? After all, I am a Luthor. We do kill." Lena's grin fades slowly, and Sam sees her face as they walk into their homeroom.

"Lena? What's wrong?"


Kara and Mike are walking to their homeroom together in the English part of the school.

"So, are you happy with Lena?" Mike asks, looking over at her.

"Yeah, I am. R-really happy," Kara replies smiling to herself, thinking about Lena, even though it's only been a few seconds since she's seen her.

"Well, I'm glad that you're happy," he says as he smiles a sheepish smile, knowing that he wasn't okay with it since he had feelings for Kara too. "Just, be careful."

"W-why? Why should I be careful? Is it just because she's a Luthor?" She asks as she looks up at Mike, adjusting her glasses with a stern look on her face.

"Well, yeah, I mean, 'never trust a Luthor', right?"

Kara quickly pins Mike against a locker, putting her arm against his chest. Even though he's taller and more muscular than her, she was Kryptonian, which means she had her powers underneath the yellow sun. The one she was using now: super strength. The other one she briefly used was super speed when she pinned Mike down. No one but her adoptive parents - Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers, her sister Alex, and her cousin Kal-El knew that she was Kryptonian.

"You better keep your mouth shut, Micheal," Kara says sternly, using his full first name. "You shouldn't just judge someone by what their family has done, or by their last name. So you better watch your damn mouth."

"Or what? Why the hell are you even defending her, anyway? She's a damn Luthor," he says through his teeth.

"I'm defending her because it's the right thing to do."

"What, you're not doing it because she's your girlfriend, too?" Mike asks, raising his eyebrow.

"What? Jealous that I ended up with her instead of you?"

Mike sighs heavily and doesn't say anything.

"Yeah, I know you have feelings for me, but I don't feel the same way. With Lena, I do. So don't even try anything," she says, hissing out her last word.

Kara lets go of him, then walks into her homeroom. Mike sighs, then goes into his right across the hall.

A/N Yooo look at Kara go! And what's going on with Lena?? Also, we've reached I over 100 views of this story AND placed #48 in stories Kara Danvers related so thank you soooo so so so much I appreciate it a lot! This has made me soooo happy!!!


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