Vegetables / Vhope

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Little: Taehyung
Caregiver: Hoseok

"TaeTae, eat your vegetables." Hoseok slid the pile of peas in the younger's direction with his fork. Taehyung, the little who isn't very fond of greens stuck his toungue out and crossed his arms with a smug what are you going to do about it? look.

The older, tired and a bit provoked from the younger finally spoke up, "Taehyung. If you say no one more time, the next time I see you will be over my lap in the bedroom," Hoseok growled. Taehyung grew a little anxious at the sudden tone, but kept his high and mighty stance strong.

"No." Taehyung stated firmly, even going to the extent where he pushed the vegetables off the plate with his hands. Hoseok gave him one last glare before abruptly standing up, almost locking the table over. He grasped Taehyung's wrist and led them into the bedroom.

The older gently pushed Taehyung to the center of the room. He leaned down to match his height and looked at Taehyung square at the eye.

"You'll be staying here for twenty minutes. If you get out, you'll be receiving fifteen slaps from my hand. Understood?"

Taehyung scowled but nodded. Hoseok walked out and closed the door, leaving Taehyung with scattered toys and three coloring books to play with. On a regular day, he would've tolerated this punishment and dealt with it, but today Taehyung felt like sitting down on the couch with his favorite purple pacifier between his lips and watching another Disney movie.

But unfortunately, he was nowhere near the television. Taehyung's lip began to tremble, I'm such a bad boy. Why didn't I eat the stupid veggies?

He began whimpering at the thought of the possible punishments. No TV for a week, no more shopping, and no more stufies. Tears began falling as the boy sniffled and wiped uselessly at his tears with his fist.

His caregiver had luckily been just outside the door, watching television with a sense of loneliness now that his baby was not there. He got up, deciding to cut the punishment short when he heard soft cries from the other end of the door.

The oldest had immediately burst in, trapping the baby in a warm embrace as he rubbed his back soothingly.

"I-I sowwy daddy. I been a bad boy.." Taehyung whimpered as he buried his face in the crook of his caregiver's neck.

"It's ok, baby." Hoseok wiped more tears from the younger's face before pulling away and looking him in the eye. "Don't ever call yourself a bad boy. Taehyung is a good boy. My good boy."

Despite the sobs wracking through his mouth, Taehyung's ears had managed to grow a deep red in color at the compliment. He had a thing for being completely submissive and Hoseok knew that. Giving Taehyung daily compliments was one of the best chores in Hoseok's life. He would never stop.

"C-Can go eat now?" Taehyung's small voice - a bit hoarse from the crying - had spoken up in a cute whisper. The younger looked up at Hoseok with glistening eyes the brunette could never resist.

Delivering a final peck on his nose, Hoseok nodded and smiled down at him, "Alright, but this time we'll skip the vegetables, ok baby?"

Hoseok didn't mind the small lack of vitamins in the little's body. He ate plenty of salads when he was Big anyway.

They did fufill Taehyung's wish at the end. The couple - all tangled in a comfortable cuddle - were completely content watching Tangled on their flatscreen TV.

Worried about nothing in the world, the two could wish for nothing but to be held in each other's embrace.

A/N: A cute little ending 😇 I'll definitely be posting more ship chapters in the future. But if you want sonething a little more special, feel free to request ❤

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