Pen / Hopekook

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Little: Hoseok
Caregiver: Jungkook

"I'm taking this."

Jungkook watched in amusement as a black pen was pulled from his desk, followed by more pens, and eventually seven pieces of paper.

"Baby," Jungkook chuckled. "You can't just take things off my desks."

The caregiver leaned down and picked a stray pen off of Hoseok little space. That, along with more of his supplies returned to his desk, much to the little's displeasure.

Hoseok put his hand over a piece of blank paper resting on the floor. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, but grabbed it nevertheless. The older whined loudly and took one end of the paper in his hands.

The two ended up playing a short game of tug of war, where of course Jungkook was the victor.

"No fair Daddy!" The little pouted and crossed his arms, glaring cutely at his caregiver.

Jungkook had already turned back to his work, but laughed lightly at Hoseok's glare in the corner of his eye.

"Daddy's being so mean." Complaints spilled out from the older, followed by some whines and tugs on the younger's shirt.

Seven minutes have passed when the older craved Jungkook's attention more then anything. "Daddy!" Hoseok squealed, leaning into his Daddy's lap.

"Hi, baby." Jungkook greeted tiredly, yawning. He had been working all day; his baby was definitely what he needed right now.

"Hugry, baby? I could heat up some food for you." He proposed. Hoseok shook his head, making Jungkook's eyebrow raise.

"Lst's play, Daddy. 'M bored." He said. Jungkook gave him a toothy grin, "Let's go, then."

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