Clingy / Yoonmin

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Little: Jimin
Caregiver: Yoongi

"Baby," Yoongi softly cooed at the little buried in his chest, but he can't get distracted. He needed to finish this song today.

"Daddy!" Jimin giggled into the older's sweatshirt. Yoongi had no choice but to rub his hands up and down the younger's back.

"Honey, if you let me finish this song, we can get ice cream later." Yoongi proposed. Jimin propped his head up on his chest.

"Daddy don' wan' baby?" Jimin whimpered. The arms around the older's form only tightened painfully.

"Baby, please?" Yoongi begged.

"But I wan' play wif Daddy!" Jimin argued.

"Jimin, are you talking back at me?" The caregiver raised his eyebrow.

"No.. I not a bad boy." The little mumbled and freed Yoongi of his grasp.

Yoongi sighed and hugged his boyfriend before he had the time to walk out of the room, "No, Jimin is a good boy. And good boys can watch TV and play games on daddy's phone."

He placed his device on his desk, which Jimin thankfully recieved. The younger placed a wet kiss on his caregiver's cheek and ran off, squealing excitedly to himself about the new toy in his hands.

"Alright..." Yoongi cracked his knuckles and stretched his body that had been crushed in Jimin's embrace for the past thirty minutes. He got to work immediately, not noticing his babyboy whimper from the door.

Jimin only wanted to play with his daddy, but seeing him so focused on the screen in front of him, the younger backed away from the older's studio with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi smiled as he heard padded feet scurry through the hallway. My baby must be having fun, he thought.

But that thought quickly washed away when he heard hushed sniffles from the other room. Yoongi instantly sat up and ran into their shared bedroom, seeing Jimin wrapped in practically all the blankets in the house, covering his weeping and shaking form.

"Babyboy," Yoongi cooed, sitting on the edge of the mattress. The sobs halted, and a head of fluffy hair popped up from the mountain of blankets.

"Daddy!" He squealed, hugging the older's neck tightly.

"Hi, baby." Yoongi chuckled and pet Jimin's brown hair.

"So how about that ice cream?"

A/N: Unedited.


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