Proud / Yoonseok

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Little: Yoongi
Caregiver: Hoseok

"Want candy."

The older stated firmly, crossing his arms. His face was twisted up cutely, trying to imitate Hoseok's strict face. The Daddy face, as Yoongi called it.

"Really? You just had some five minutes ago." Hoseok chuckled, bringing an arm up to ruffle the little's hair.

"Want more Daddy," He looked up to Hoseok with twinkling eyes. "Please Daddy?"

Hoseok cooed and felt himself breaking for a second. He quickly shook his head and looked down at the older with a raised eyebrow.

"I won't fall for that, baby." He chuckled and picked Yoongi up, placing him on his lap.

Yoongi squeezed his stuffie in thought, sucking his blue pacifier.

"Then..... We go to park!" Yoongi proposed with a squeal.

"Sure, muffin. Later, okay?" Hoseok accepted and booped Yoongi's nose, forcing giggles from the older.

Hoseok smiled at the sound and placed Yoongi down, leaving to do his own thing.

Yoongi looked around the living room in thought, when his eyes brushed over a certain object.

He squealed in delight and ran over to it.


Fifteen minutes later, Yoongi waddled cutely into Hoseok's office. He held his creation behind his back with a proud grin, making Hoseok smile equally as big.

"What does my baby have, hm?" Yoongi handed him his drawing. Yoongi beamed as he watched his caregiver's eyes scan over the pictures with delight.

"My baby's so talented!" Hoseok exclaimed. "It's so nice of him to include Uncle Jin and Uncle Joon! I'm so proud of you, baby."

On those words, Yoongi hopped onto Hoseok's lap, and the caregiver was quick to shower his face in kisses, saying endless praises to little, and showering him in affection.


A/N: My chapters are lacking skin ship :/ I dunno, there's just not enough kisses or the sitting in laps anymore. I'm really running out of ideas, help please?

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