Janitor's Closet / Vmin

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Little: Jimin
Caregiver: Taehyung

Jimin stared down at his test scores. The student to his left got a 92 but still wasn't satisfied, as shown by the endless complaints that he spit out. The student to his right got a 70, but didn't care at all, shown by the test on the floor and his feet resting carelessly on his desk.

The student in front of him got one hundred percent. Yes, the big one, zero, zero. He looked down at the paper resting between his arms again and whimpered. He had tried his hardest! He studied all week!

But, all of those restless nights only made up for the big red 30.

Jimin sniffled quietly, trying his hardest not to slip into little space. The boy didn't get why he was getting so worked up over this. He knew that he failed or hardly passed any of the exams, but this time, he really tried his hardest.

"Chim? Are you alright?" A voice softly spoke. Jimin looked up to see the person across from him looking at him with concern.

Taehyung - his crush for how many years now? Infamous for his looks and grades. It wasn't a surprise that he got a 100.

Jimin nodded quickly, furiously looking down at his desk to cover his blush.

"I-I'm fine, Daddy!"

Jimin's eyes widened at the word he blurted out. Heart beating rapidly, hands shaking, alarms going off in his head, and eyes darting up to meet the equally surprised younger's.

He just called his crush Daddy.

It's true that he sometimes fantasized Taehyung to be his caregiver. The cuddles and kisses, someone to play with whenever he wanted.

"Did you jus-?"

Taehyung didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, as Jimin burst out of the classroom, and into the janitor's closet. He couldn't control the sobs wracking through his body, so he just let the tears flow helplessly.

Today was a terrible day.

That's what he would immediately tell Hoseok when he arrives home. He'll go on about the test scores, tell him about the incident, and start bawling about how he ran out of the classroom and into, you guessed it, the janitor's closet.

He curled himself into a ball and just cried, as it's the only thing he can do. He can't face his class, not to mention Taehyung now! Everyone in his class heard his outburst, so word probably already leaked out like wildfire.

This is terrible!

Jimin unconsciously started sucking his thumb, small whines emitting from the boy.

"Hoseok-oppa! Where are you~?" He cried. He reached out, as if to grab one of his stuffies, but then whined when he couldn't find one.

"Chim? ....oh." Taehyung stood awkwardly at the doorframe.

"TaeTae!" Jimin cried some more, making grabby hands at the younger.

Instinctively, Taehyung slid into the room and held Jimin in his arms, who instantly clung onto him.

"'M sorry TaeTae. I didn't mean to call you that.." Jimin apologized. Taehyung hushed him quietly, rubbing soothing circles onto Jimin's knee.

"It's alright, baby. Call me whatever you want." Taehyung cooed.

"Even Daddy?" Jimin asked excitedly. Taehyung put on a thinking face for a bit, teasing Jimin before nodding

"Yes honey, even Daddy." He caressed the older's cheek slowly.

"Daddy doesn't hate me?" Jimin asked cautiously.

"Not at all, baby. Just... You should've told Daddy sooner. I didn't like how you made me wait." Taehyung pouted, tightening his embrace on the little.

Little space was nothing new to him - his roommate was a little, but he wasn't exactly experienced. Watching his roommate's caregiver take care of him taught him a thing or two about it, but when it came to Jimin, he suddenlh knew exactly what to do.

"I'm sorry Daddy. I thought Daddy would hate me if I said it.."

"Honey, Daddy could never hate you. Daddy loves you sweetie." Taehyung confessed quietly. The older blushed, hiding his face in Taehyung's neck.

When he finally mustered up the courage, Jimin leaned up and whispered in Taehyung's ear,

"I love you more, Daddy."

A/N: Wow this could possibly be the longest chapter I've ever wrote.

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