Letting Down Her Guard

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Chapter 13

So Monday morning I went to school early and went into the guidance department. "Good morning Laura come in can I help you with something." "Yes, Ms. Thatcher I was hoping if you had any time this morning that we could talk about my heavy course load I said taking a seat in her office. "Yes, of course, please tell me what's going on." Ms. Thatcher had said. "It's just I'm taking a lot of hardcore classes this semester, and I know that was my doing, but I would like to drop a class or two maybe and take it next semester when I'm more accustomed to my work and the studies I just you know got here. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and over my head." "Ok let's discuss what classes you're taking right now." "Well, I'm taking chemistry, pre-calculus, human anatomy, statistics, history of medicine, and medical terminology." "I suggest you drop one science and one math you don't need to double up on those, those classes can be put on hold for next semester, and where pre-med happens to be your goal for college, I highly suggest you stay with your remedial classes. I would suggest you drop chemistry and pre-calculus, what do you think?" "That sounds fine," I said trying to swallow my pride. "Ok so well fill out the paperwork" for that, and in place of those classes you have a choice of either a free elective or a study hall however you are only allowed to have two study halls, and you already have one so why don't you chose a free elective as well." She handed me over a list of free electives that I had to choose from, "How about Computer keyboarding." I said. "Sure you would have that as your first-period class in place of chemistry, and then your second study hall will be the period before lunch. Does this schedule sound better to you at all?" Ms. Thatcher had asked. "Yes much better, thank you I appreciate it," I said. "So your new schedule will take effect immediately I will notify your old teachers and make them aware of the change, and I will take your chemistry and pre-calculus book, and I will give you your new book for your computer class." So I take those textbooks out of my backpack and hand them over to her. She gives me my new book and my new class schedule and says, "Thank you for stopping in to see me with your concerns Laura hopefully this schedule will be better for you to handle. Any time you may need anything swing by my office my door is always open." "Thanks again, Ms. Thatcher," I said walking out of her office.

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