The one in which; They were late to set

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Camis POV

"Where are they?" asked Roberto while pacing around the set of bettys room. Cole and Lili had a scene to shoot right now and they weren't here yet. "They have a scene to shoot right now"!

"I dont know but I'll go and find them", I replied.

I ran to Casey, KJ, Mads and Madchen who were all siting in Madchens tralier.

"Have you seen Lili and Cole anywhere, because they have a scene to shoot right now!" I pant.

"Um no I dont think so," KJ replied

"But I dont think that they would pass up on a Bughead make out scene so they must be in trouble" added Casey with a laugh.

"Well lets go and find them then!" said Mads. We all left Madchens trailer in search for Lili and Cole

"We're going on a Sprousehart hunt, we're gonna catch a big one, I'm not scared!" chanted Casey. (AN- IDK im bored)

We ran all over set looking for the couple but we couldn't find them anywhere.

"Lets go to Lilis trailer" suggested Mads.

"Good idea!" I replied.

Caseys POV

I was actually a little worried about where they might be. I know that nothing bad has probably happened but there is a small part of me that is scared. what if someone had kidnapped Lili because they wanted Cole? What if they got hit by a car on their way back from taco bell? What if Cole was actually cheating on Lili? What if? What if? It wasn't until I heard Cami yell over to me and KJ that i snapped out of my wonders.

"Casey, KJ come in here!" she yelled. KJ and I ran in to find Cami and Mads going through Lilis rubbish can.

"Um what are you guys doing?" I asked

"Yeah you guys seem like freaky stalkers" joked KJ in his Kiwi accent.

"Look!" Mads said as she held something up to our faces. It was a Taco Bell wrapper.

"This means that they came back from Taco Bell!" explained Mads.

Mads POV

I was actually relieved when cami found the Taco Bell wrappers in Lilis rubbish. That meant that they came home from Taco bell.

"Lets check Coles trailer now" suggested KJ.

We all left Lilis trailer and ran to Coles. We ran to the door but it was locked. Without thinking I saw an open window and climbed through it.

"OMG!" I whispered yelled as I ran over to the door to unlock it from the inside. The others came bursting but stooped at the sight before them. We all were standing in front of the cutest thing ever. We saw Lili curled up aginst Cole with one of her legs thrown around his waist. Cole had is hand placed on her leg and the other one holding her close on his bed. It was adorable.

"Awwww" whispered Cami as she took out her phone to take pictures. Before we knew it, we all had our phones in hand taking photos to upload to  our instagrams later.

"Okay guys time to get up" Casey said as he shook Cole trying to wake him up. Cole said something and pulled Lili closer. The Casey tried again. This time Cole actually opened his eyes and looked at us.

"What do you want?" He asked

"Roberts need you and Lili on set now because you were supposed to film a scene twenty minutes ago!" Cami explained.

Coles POV

After me and Lili went to Taco Bell we went over to my trailer. I could tell she was tired from the long hard days on set so we lied on my bed and watched Netflix until I could feel that she had fallen asleep. With that, I turned the Netflix off, and rolled over so I could cuddle Lili as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly I was shaken awake by someone who told me to get up. I didn't want to so I mumbled a no and pulled Lili closer to me.

"COLE SPROUSE GET YOU LAZY ASS UP" said Cami. I opened my eyes to see Mads, Cami, Casey and KJ all standing there with their phones in their hands.

"What's wrong" I groaned into lilis hair.

"Roberto wanted you on set twenty minutes ago!" Mads exclaimed "So wake up Lili and get you ass to set" and with that they all left my trailer.

"Lils wake up Baby" I wispered softly into her ear. She mumbled something inaudible and put her head in the crook of my neck and tightened her leg over me.

"Come on Baby wake up" I pleaded with her. She still didn't move so I decided to kiss her. Softly kissed her lips, slowly parting away from her. She still didn't seem to want to move so I kissed her again, but harder this time. I slowly pushed my tongue between her lips as she kissed me back and gave me access to her mouth. We were suddenly broken apart by a bang on the door. We both sat up quickly and look over to see KJ and Casey in the doorway.

"Come on guys you have a make out scene to film in Betty's room so save it for later" grinned KJ.

I pulled Lili out of bed and piggybacked her all the was to set. Once we filmed out scene we sat down on the lounge with the rest of the crew and were on our phones.

"Seriously guys come on" laughed Lili.

"What is it babe?" I asked. She handed me her phone and I saw a picture of me and Lili asleep earlier posted on Camis instagram.

"Send that to me" I laughed.

"And to think I thought you guys were in trouble" said Casey.

Um hello there random stranger...

This is my first ever fanfic so your feedback would be great. Also if anyone has any ideas for me, I plan that this book will bughead and Sprousehart one shots. This book can be everyone's ideas so leave some suggestions and I will hopefully make that one shot for you! ONLY SPROUSEHART AND BUGHEAD! I don't really have a schedule for this so it will probably be random, updates because I still have school and assessments (I live in Australia so I'm not sure if the school years may be different to yours) not to mention Netball and Damcing and Swimmimg. Please comment some feedback on this as well!! I guess that's all I have to say so...

See y'all later

Squem x

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