The one in which; Lili was sick

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Lili's P.O.V

My eyes opened at 5:32am. I groaned and rolled over until I realised that I was now face to face with Cole's chest. I felt his arms circle around my waist as I tried to squirm my way out of his grip. Every time I tried to wriggle away he just kept his arms in place. I continued to try and escape until suddenly a wave of sickness washed over me and I knew I was about to throw up. 

"COLE" I screamed seriously. He looked at me shocked as I managed to push him off me and sprint to the bathroom. I lent over the toilet and puked my guts out. I felt Cole behind as he held my hair back and rubbed my back trying to soothe me. Once I was done showing the toilet what I ate for dinner last night, I wiped my mouth and sat on the bathroom bench while Cole went and got me a glass of water.

"You okay baby?" He asked.

"I'm fine I guess." I sighed "I've gotta be on set in ten minutes though!"

"No way am I letting you go to set after that!" He exclaimed

"I'll be fine, I feel better already!" I lied. Honestly my head was throbbing and I was try my hardest not to puke out my guts again. 

With that I got down and got ready to go to set. I drove to set and walked straight to the makeup trailer. 

"Lili you look really pale today," the makeup lady said.

"Oh um yeah I don't know?" I replied not really knowing what to say. 

It was my last scene of the day and I was in the cooper household with Mädchen and Hart. I had been feeling sick all day and I was currently trying not to vomit all over set. We were half way through a scene and it came time where I had to take a sip of orange juice. I brought the cup to my lips and let the liquid into my mouth. I felt acids burn the back of my throats and I knew that my body wouldn't be able to keep it down. I dropped my glass on the floor, which shattered and spilt juice everywhere, and I ran to the bathroom. I swing open the door and collapsed at the toilet and puked up foods that I can't even remember eating. Mädchen comes up behind me and says "oh Lili are you okay?"

"No" I sobbed trying not to throw up again.

"Okay I'm calling Cole to come and pick you up okay honey?" She said. I nodded and sat down next to the toilet. I remained there for another 10 minutes until Cole arrived at set to pick me up. He rushed into the bathroom.

"Baby I told you that you shouldn't of come today" he said as he hugged me tightly to his chest. We began to walk off set after Cole and let Roberto know that we would be going home. In the car it was silent. We drove to Coles apartment and when he finally stopped the car and began to get out I refused to leave the car.

"Come on lils, you need to rest," he said to me, with kindness in his voice. 

I shook my head and stayed still. He walked around to my side of the car and opened the door.

"Why won't you come in?" He asked.

I reached out and rubbers his cheek. " I don't want to get you sick aswell." I told him.

Instead of replying to me he undid my seatbelt and picked me up, so my legs were wrapped around his waist, and he carried me into his apartment. Once inside the apartment he lit me in his bed and crawled in next to me.

"I would rather us both be sick, than just you" he said. With that he kissed my forehead and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

The next day neither Cole or Lili went to set, they were both horribly sick!

Hello stranger!

I know this one was short (was it cause I don't know what you consider short?) apbit I just wanted to say thanks to anyone who is reading this now!! I know that 100 reads isn't a huge accomplishment but I still am super happy cause this has been up for like 4 days now and I have already past 100 reads!! So thank you and remember to tell your friends to read this as well (lol such a self promo).

I guess that's all I have to say for now so,

Toodles you random,

Squem x

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