The one in which; he was home

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I remember reading this idea somewhere (I can't remember where) and decided to have a go at writing one like this myself.

Dropping his bag to the ground, Jughead sighed. He wandered around the room picking up the endless piles of shirts that belonged to him and Jellybean. Ever since he moved back to Toledo a couple of months ago, he felt like there was never any clean space on the ground of the room he shared with his younger sister. There was always shirts and shoes and jumpers lying everywhere, covering almost every inch of the carpet.

Today had definitely not been the best day at school for him. He was mocked in the halls for wearing his signature beanie and left with quite a nasty bruise after running into the schools biggest jock and bully, Chuck Clayton. Chuck made Reggie and the rest of the Bulldogs back at home in Riverdale seem sweet and innocent.

Sitting down on his bed he grabbed his laptop from his bag and prayed to the lords that Betty was online. Thankfully she was in fact online and available to talk. Jughead clicked on her name and pulled the screen closer to his face. She picked up almost straight away and her beautiful face filled the screen.

"Hey there, Juliet," he mumbled, quoting back to their first kiss. He couldn't believe that that happened six months ago. He had been dating this angelic human for six months.

"Hey Juggie, how are you?" she asked, smiling at the name.

Jughead ran his fingers through his dark locks that had been falling down onto his face.

"Better now that I'm talking to you I guess," he said with a small smile appearing on his lips.

"Wait wait wait a second there... what is that underneath your eye?" she questioned, pointing to the bruise which had been left there by Chuck because he accidentally ran into him. She had a worried expression cast upon her face.

"Oh, that's nothing you really need to worry about, it was just some guy who was angry because I ran into him," he said calmly like it didn't matter at all.

"No Juggie, does your mum know about this kid? I'm not having anyone beat up my boyfriend for some petty little reason!" she exclaimed, getting quite worked up.

"Hey, it's okay," he told her trying to calm her down.

"No Juggie it -" she got cut off by a knock at her door and some muffled talking. "Look jug, I have to go, but promise me you will stay out of trouble?"

"You know I can't promise that Betts," he said with an adorable smirk all over his face.

She threw her head back and let out an airy laugh, which made Jughead chuckle as well.

"Bye Juliet, I love you so much," he told her.

"I love you too Jug, text me!" she said, and with that, her image disappeared from the screen and his room was once again filled with darkness.

He chucked his laptop on the ground and laid back on his bed, thinking about how much he missed his friends from Riverdale and of course, Betty Cooper.

Oh, what he would do to be able to hold her in his arms and kiss her face right now. To rub her back and talk to her about everything that had gone wrong ever since he left Riverdale. Ever since he left her.

His dreams about his beautiful girlfriend were interrupted by someone opening his door. His mum. She and Jellybean were the only reason he moved to Toledo.

"Hey Jug, Jelly told me you were talking to Betty," she said softly.

"Yeah we were talking but she had to leave", he sighed. Gladys walked into the room more and sat at the end of his bed placing a hand softly on his cheek.

"You miss her, don't you?" she asked him.

He felt a hot tear run down his face and onto his mother's hand.

"A lot," he whispered.

"You are going back there!" she decided, "You need to be with and your friends."

"But then you and Jellybean will be alone again," he sighed. He wanted more than anything to be back in Riverdale, but he didn't want to leave his mum and sister.

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise but, I got a new job... in Riverdale!" she told him, caressing his cheek. "Me and your sister aren't gonna go back for another month, so we can get our affairs in order, but I spoke to Mr Andrews and he said you could stay with him and Archie for the month until Jelly and I get a home there."

"Really?" he asked hopefully. The thought of seeing Betty again sparked in his mind, setting off fireworks in his eyes.

"Really! You're leaving tomorrow."

- The next day -

Jughead stood outside Betty's house. Soon after arriving, saying a quick hello to Mr Andrews and sharing a bro hug with Archie he had set off to Betty's. Careful not to make to much noise, he pulled the ladder that had been in her yard for a very long time now, over so that he could climb to her window, just like there first kiss. He climbed to the top and peered through her window.

There he saw his magnificent girlfriend sitting on her bed, reading a novel. He lightly tapped her window and she looked up and dropped her book on the floor in shock. She ran towards the window and threw it open, pulling jughead into her room. she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss that sparked explosions between the two.

"You're actually here," she cried.

"I am," he told her with certainty.

"Are you staying?"


With that, she pulled him down onto her bed where they cuddled for the rest of the night, talking about everything that had happened since he left, and where Alice Cooper would find them in the morning.

As Jughead was falling asleep he thought about his family. Sure he loved his family a lot, but the person he needed to be around, was right here, in his arms.

He was home.

A/N Annnnd I updated!!

Does anyone have any ideas and requests?

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