The one in which; she was hurt

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Another one where I remember reading something like this (I can't remember where) and thought I'd give it a go myself.

Jughead burst into the waiting room, with tears streaming down his face, his hair sticking up in every direction and his eyes were bloodshot.

He went straight to the reception desk and banged his hands down on the counter.

"Elizabeth Cooper," he demanded to the receptionist, "I need to see Elizabeth Cooper, Where is she?"

"I... I'm sorry sir but only her family can visit her right now." she stuttered, clearly intimidated by his stone cold voice and the snake imprinted on the back of his leather jacket. "I told the others, over there, the same thing," she told him, gesturing to the far corner of the waiting room where he saw Archie, Kevin, Veronica and Fred.

Jughead turned back around and hit the table again.

"I am her family, you don't understand," he yelled, catching the attention of his friend in the corner of the room. The tears were still streaming down his cheek.

Fred approached him from behind, attempting to calm Jughead, and get him to come and sit with them and stop him from causing a scene.

"Come on Jug," soothed Fred, trying to get him to walk away from the receptionist "You can wait with us until we are allowed in."

"No," he shouted, "I need her now!"

"Its okay Jug, just calm down," Fred said. 

Jug ripped himself away from Fred and practically though himself onto the reception, fresh tears fell down his face. He was heartbroken that Betty was stuck in her hospital bed, alone in her room, waking up to see no one surrounding her bed. Her mum and Polly were out of town, at some special farm field trip, and wouldn't be back in until the next morning. 

"She's gonna be all alone when she wakes up, she's gonna think I don't love her anymore, oh god!" his voice was cracking in between his heartbreaking sobs.

"Please?" he pleaded the receptionist one last time.

The receptionist, who he later found out was named Harvey, sighed and looked up, completely lost. "You know what, fine, I'll find you her room, just please, please calm down!" he sighed exasperatedly. He tapped his long fingers across his keyboard, before leaning in and staring at his computer. "Ahh she is in room 11 on floor 2, but I must tell you, she hasn't woken up since the accident."

Betty had been stabbed by Malachai and Penny on her way home from school while Jughead had been off with the serpents that day, instead of walking home with her. When he got the call that she had been injured, he knew that it wouldn't have happened if he was with her. But no, he was off with the serpents. Luckily they had only stabbed her twice, although only one was quite deep before Archie had seen the attack happening and went to save his ponytail wearing friend from the brutal attack. She had then been rushed to the hospital where they found out she had much internal bleeding.

The receptionist then arose from his desk to lead Jughead to her room. The whole gang who was there to see Betty went to follow him but soon got turned down by Harvey. "Only one person at a time please."

They continued walking until they got to Betty's room where Jughead crumbled to the ground. There was the love of his life, looking lonely and pale, attached to all the machines that were keeping her alive. He dropped into the plastic hair that was next to her bed and grabbed ahold of one of her hands, rubbing patterns into her palm with his thumb.

"We're going to get through this Betts, you're going to survive and I will stay strong for you," he whispered, caressing her knuckles gently, "Everyones here to see you, they all want you to be okay. And your mums and Polly are on their way home right now. Your gonna get through this."

Jughead spent the night next to her bed, in that uncomfortable plastic chair, her hand clasped in his. His eyes snapped open the next morning, the feeling of a flutter in his hand had startled him awake. He quickly sat and up and looked at his girlfriend, praying that he hadn't dreamt that he felt her hand move. He was overjoyed when her eyes fluttered open.

"Uhh Juggie?" she asked, fully opening her eyes to look over at her boyfriend. "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital Juliet, Penny and Malachai attacked you until Archie came and rescued from them. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you," he explained. His voice cracking as tears threatened to spill out onto his cheeks. She reached up and wiped his tears away, caressing his cheek softly.

"Wheres my mum?" she questioned him.

"She's gonna be here soon, don't worry your pretty face about it, okay?" he told her, while she blushed slightly.

"Okay, did you stay here all night?" she asked him softly.

"Yeah, I slept here last night, the others were in the waiting room, well at least yesterday they were, I was the only one allowed in because I caused a bit of a commotion," he explained to her.

"Jug," she chided "you shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah well, my soulmate was locked up in a hospital room, all alone. It wasn't like I was going to just let you wake up with no one here beside you," he chuckled and then stopped abrubtly noticing the tears forming in her eyes. "Betts are you okay, do you need the doctor, I can call him or..." he trailed off.

"Juggie no, I'm fin, it's just, you did so much just to make sure that I was okay, you called me your soulmate Juggie!"

"Well, yeah," he said rubbing the back of his neck, blushing like a 12-year-old boy who just got kissed on the cheek by his crush, "I love you Betts, and I'll love you forever."

"I love you too Jug, forever."

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