The one in which; she had a toxic relationship

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"Betty, I'm sick of this!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Just leave it... I'm okay," whispered Betty, her eyes not leaving her hands which were in her lap.

"No, you're not, Betty, the way he treats you isn't okay. You shouldn't let him speak to you or touch you like that! It's horrible! Plus, what about Jughead, it's clear that yo..."

"No, that's enough V" hissed Betty as she tried to get that name out of her head.

"I'm just saying Betts, you love Jughead, not Archie, so I don't really know why you stick around with him when he is nothing but horrible to you!" said Veronica with a concerned voice. She was really worried about her bestie.

"Please, V, just give it a rest." She rubbed her hands under her eyes, soaking up the stray tears with her pastel pink jumper, while Veronica got up to hug her friend.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave it alone, but if he yells or touches you again like that, I'm going to do something, I can't stand to see you like this." Veronica gave in, rubbing the back of Betty's hair while she held her bestie in her arms.

The whole argument started when Betty had come out of the blue and gold room with tears running down her face. It was because Archie, Betty's current boyfriend, thought it was okay to yell at her. He would yell at her for the simplest things. And this time he went full throttle on her and then slapped her because she tried to stand up to him. It wasn't the first time he had slapped her, but Veronica didn't need to know about that.

"I know V, I'm sorry" she whispered into Veronica's warm embrace.

Suddenly they felt a shadow fall over them. Betty's eyes snapped open to see who was standing in front of them.

"Are you guys okay?" Jughead asked as he took a seat across from the two girls. Betty's heart throbbed. She knew she loved her best friend, with feelings that she shouldn't have, especially when she had a boyfriend.

"Go ask your asshole of a friend" Veronica snapped at him. Betty pulled away from the embrace slightly to glare at Veronica.

"It's nothing important, she was just over exaggerating..." Betty started.

"No, I wasn't! Archie slapped her when she told him that she didn't appreciate being yelled at constantly, 24/7!" explained Veronica.

"That son of a bitc..." Jughead growled before getting cut off by Riverdale Highs very own, Satan in disguise.

" Hey, guys, what's up?" Archie said as he sat down next to Jughead with a smirk on his face.

Jughead took one look at the redhead who was acting like everything was alright before he swung his fist at Archie Andrews face.

"Bro... what the hell was that for?" Archie spluttered, a little blood trickling from his now split eyebrow.

"That's what you get for laying a hand on that beautiful girl over there who you are lucky to be dating, but I know for a fact that you don't deserve her, you piece of shit!" shouted Jughead, glaring daggers straight towards Archie then punching him again, making his nose bleed this time.

By now most of the people that were outside were crowding around the table where the new events were taking place trying to see what all the yelling and punching was about. Even Cheryl Bombshell and her minions had wondered over to see what the latest drama was.

"What the frickin hell are you talking about?" yelled Archie.

"He is talking about the fact that you continually verbally abuse me every day and think it's fun to hit me like I'm worthless. Well guess what Archie, now it's your turn to be hit. Do you know how many times I've covered for you, saying that all my bruises and slap marks were from something else, not from you?" Betty practically screamed at him.

At this point, Cheryl had pushed in front of everyone so now she was at the front of the crowd.

"YOU DID WHAT TO MY COUSIN?" Yelled Cheryl. Archie cowered under Cheryls power.

Before turning to Betty to check if she was okay she slapped  Archie's cheek as hard as she could and whipped her long, red hair into his face. You could see him wince as her hair was like whips against his now stinging cheek. She gave Betty a hug and told her that if she ever needed anything to come and get her, then sashayed off with her minions scrambling behind her.
"Come on Betty, are you seriously going to let the, talk to me like that, I'm your boyfriend?" Asked Archie.
"Don't talk to her, don't even look at her!" Growled Jughead.
"Betty!" Archie yelled. "I am your boyfriend!"
"Yeah and I wish you weren't, we are breaking up, because you know what, I hate you and I love Jughead. I've loved since the day I met him but I've been with you" she told him before pushing her way through the crowds and running out of sight.
"Betty..." Jughead started before running after her.
Archie just stood there looking like a stunned mullet. He looked at the crowd that was circling him, most of them were talking about how rude he was and how they always wanted Betty and jughead to be a couple. He was outraged. Not because of his actions. But because now that everyone knew that he abused his last girlfriend, no other girls would want to date him.
"I don't care" he shouted at everyone, "I was just using that slut to get other girls."
Before he knew it reggae had punched him.
"Don't talk about Betty that way Andrews, don't talk about any girl that way. And your off the football team."
Meanwhile Betty had ran straight to the blue and gold room where she slammed the door shut and sat behind the writing desk with her head buried in her knees as she sobbed mercifully.
"Betts..." Jughead whispered as he opened the door and looked around the room before spotting her and making his way over there. He sat down and pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her, drowning her in a hug full of warmth and passion.
"I love you too" he whispered into her hair. Betty raised her head and look straight into his eyes.
"Ever since I first saw you" he told her "I wanted to be with you, but you were with Archie, and everyday when you told me about how toxic your relationship was, I wanted to go and punch him for hurting such a beautiful girl, so much and the wrap my arms around you and tell you that I love you."
"Well I guess you got everything you wanted today," she said softly into his chest.
"Except for one thing..." and with that he kissed her.

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