The one in which; he wished to die

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Trigger Warning - Eating disorders, Suicide

Jughead was sick. No, not a cold. He was sick of everything. He was sick of the people who didn't care about him. He was sick of people always ridiculing him, for what he wears, for what he eats, for being H I M S E L F.

But he was also sick. His mind was telling him things. He hadn't eaten anything for days. Weeks even. He couldn't remember the last time that he ate proper food, without throwing it all back up. He tried. He tried so hard to make himself likeable. But no matter what he did, the only person that ever liked him was his girlfriend. Betty Cooper. She was the definition of perfect. Everyone loved her, she was like a bubble of happiness that spread where ever she went. She was the only person that had ever loved him.

His dad, being an alcoholic, was never around much. But when he was, it was never good. FP jones would always come home drunk and angry. Very angry. And he would take his anger out on the closest thing to him. Jughead. He couldn't even remember the last time his dad had said that he loved him. But he could definitely remember the last time he had come home drunk. Well, at least the bruises around his eyes did.

His mum didn't love him either. She left with his little sister, Jellybean, when he was just 6 years old. He still can recall that stormy night where his mum had got in the car and dragged jellybean along with her. He had sat by the door for 2 whole days before he realised, his mother wasn't coming back for him. She had left him there, with his abusive father.

At School.

Jughead sat the table with his friends. The people that he had known for years. He was picking at his food, not willing to eat it. He didn't want his friends to see him vomit it all back up. Barely listening to the conversation that his friends were having, he got up from the table and walked away. He headed straight for the Blue and Gold room. He completely dismissed the fact the Betty and Archie were calling his name, asking him where he was going.

As Jughead hastily moved towards the blue and gold room, he could hear the comments made by people who watched him walk.

'He has gotten skinny, hasn't he'

'I can't believe Betty is still in love with that guy, he's not even cute'

'Look at Donny Darko over there, I still can't believe that he didn't kill Jason'

He wished he could brush off the comments, but they kept coming, trying to crack the bulletproof wall he surrounded himself in. And they were definitely breaking him.

He made it to the Blue and Gold room and locked the door. Breathing heavily he put his back against the wall and slid down. He cried. He let the tears pour down his face. He was done. Done with this life. The life where everyone hated him. Even he hated him.

That Night
Jughead got to his trailer and stormed inside. He was going to end it all. Tonight. He walked past his living room, brushing past the many empty beer bottles and cans, walking straight towards the bathroom. He got there and went towards the bathroom cabinet. He stared at his reflection in the mirror for a long time. He kept telly himself 'this is what I have to do'. He reached inside the cabinet and grabbed the bottle of pills from the very back and sat down on the cold tiles. Opening the bottle, he thought about the people that he would miss. The only person that came to mind was Betty. He needed to say goodbye and tell her that he loved her one final time. He grabbed his phone of the sink and texted her.

Juggie - 

Betty, I love you. This is the last time that you will hear that from me for a while. Whatever you do, this isn't your fault, I just don't belong here anymore. I hope that I don't see you until your old age. I love you so much, more than the world itself, I just can't deal with life anymore. Goodbye, my Juliet.

Jughead got a reply almost instantly,

Betts - 



Please don't do this.

I love you

She tried calling him. Many, many times. But he ignored her. She wouldn't have been able to talk him out of it, so he saved her the pain. He leant his head back and downed the pills. He could hear his phone ringing. He could see everything getting blurry. He vision faded and he heard a ringing in his ears. He could barely even hear when Betty slammed open the trailer door and rushed inside. He could only just make out the sight of Betty, rushing into the bathroom, pulling him into her arms.

"Come on Juggies, stay with me." she cried as she held him tight to her chest.

"Goodbye, Juliet, I love you," he whispered before everything went black.

He felt himself falling. Tumbling into the nothingness, full of black and sadness. He wanted to go back. But he knew he had to stay here. This was where he belonged. He continued falling, deeper and deeper, like swimming to the bottom of an endless swimming pool. Until he felt it. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him out. Out the pool of tears and blackness.

He opened his eyes. At first, he was blinded by the lights. Then, once his eye adjusted, he saw her. His Juliet. Sitting at the end of his bed. Not crying. Just sitting there. In silence.

He sat up.

"Hey there Juliet." He whispered. Her head whipped around and looked him dead in the eyes. 

"Juggie!" she cried as she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he snaked his around her waist. He felt tears pouring down her face and onto his shoulder. He felt his own tears running down his face as well.

"Juggie, why did you do this?" she asked.

"I hate myself, Betts," he told her, "and I thought everyone else did as well."

"Well I don't hate you Juggie," She said caressing his cheek lovingly, "I love you."


Heyo, I updated Again!!

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