The one in which; it came crashing down

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Welp I haven't updated in what feels like forever...
Also this ones short, sorry not sorry.
Also also part 2 for the falice x bughead one shot is being worked on

She felt like the whole house was shaking. The flashing light and bangs from outside rung throughout the whole house like a bell. The rain hammered against the windows as she desperately tried to close all the curtains to shield herself from the outside which was crashing down. The lights flickered, the TVs signal wavered and then, the power was lost. She scampered around in search of a torch, or even a candle, just something to provide her light in this dark night, but came up unsuccessful.
The darkness surrounded her.
The noises taunted her.
The fear was inside her.
She sat on the lounge, knees tucked up under her chin as she tried to hold back the sobs that were threatening to escape. It was no use. There was only one thing that could help right now.
He knew how to calm her down in ways that she wasn't certain of herself. She needed him.
As drains began to overflow outside, and the sky was opened up in pieces of white light, she frantically searched for her phone. Upon finding it she wasted no time calling him.
"Juggie," she sobbed, not knowing what to say exactly.
But he knew exactly what she was trying to convey, and he knew exactly what to do.
"I'll be right there, I'm at Archie's."
With that, the line was cut. She wasn't sure if he hung up or the connection had been lost, but what ever one it was, she sure didn't like it.
The noises got louder and the sky broke with danger.
The bangs on the door were drowned out by the sound of her sobs and the pounding on the walls.
The sky crackled with white as the door was flung open.
There he was.
She looked at him, the river of tears falling down her face, the dam long broken. A sob escaped from her lips that was the usual canvas for that perfect fake smile that she painted every day.
But today the paint had peeled away.
He wrapped his arms around her, providing her with warmth as he pulled her down so she was lying on his chest. He kissed the top of her head softly, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as her salty tears made the paint waver until her perfect mask was gone.
The noises that surrounded her house became softer.
The sky no longer cackled at her.
The rain seemed to soften to nothing.
Now the only thing that could be heard were her sharp shallow breaths, matched with his deep ones that she tried to copying.
The night became calm.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.
"Do you want the truth or the lie covered with the facade that I build everyday?"
"Truth, please."
She took a shaky breath.
"No, the whole world seems to be crashing down onto me and I can't seem to hold it up anymore."
The sobs began to build in the back of her throat again.
"Shh it's okay, I'm here for you. You are the strongest person I know, Betty Cooper. You can tell me when you feel upset and I won't think any less of you. I love you."
She sniffled.
"Thanks, juggie. I love you too."
The two young lovers fells asleep together on the lounge, his arms around her, shielding her from the terrors outside of his warm embrace.

For people who didn't understand this... ThE sToRm WaS a MeTaPhOr

Also, my cover shop is now officially open! I'm working on absolutely nothing at the moment so if you need a cover, you know where to go!!

Is this love? | bughead x Sprousehart One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now