The one in which; Cole had the flu

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This chapter was requested by @serpentblossem 

Sorry if it isn't very good, it was a bit rushed!

Cole groaned and rolled over, tugging the blankets up and over his cold body. He buried his face in Lili's hair, holding back a cough.

Cole hated being sick. More than anything in the world. He hated the runny noses and the fevers and the constant coughing up of phlegm. 

"Cole?" Lili whispered, in the dark.

"Hmm yeah, baby?" Cole mumbled into her neck.

"You've got a fever," she whispered. She sat up and looked down at her sleepy boyfriend who was wrapped in all the blankets from their bed, sweating, yet he seemed to be cold.

"Mmm I know" he muttered into his pillow almost falling asleep as he spoke. Lili sighed as she climbed out of bed and picked up Coles phone. She grinned as she looked at his background, a picture of them at the beach, and went straight to his contacts and clicked on KJ's contact.

"Hey bro wassup?" KJ said into the phone.

"Hey Kage, it's Lili," she started, "I just wanted to let you know that Cole is sick and won't be coming to work today, so can you tell everyone?"

"Sure thing Lils."

"Thanks, KJ, you're a lifesaver!"

"Bye Lils, tell Cole to get well," he said as he hung up the phone. Lili put Coles phone back on the table and sighed. She knew Cole had the flu. And she knew he would hate that. She searched around their room in the dark, looking for some clothes, ending up with a pair of black tights and one of Cole's grey jumpers. She grabbed her phone and keys from the table and was about to leave their room when she heard Cole coughing and spluttering in his sleep. She walked over towards their bed and squatted down next to him running her fingers through his unruly black hair. She leant over and kissed him softly.

"Cole, I'll be back in about twenty minutes, Okay?" she whispered in his ear.

"Why?" he mumbled.

"I'm gonna go and get you some medicine and stuff," she told him honestly.

"I'm not having any of that stuff," he told her.

"Sure sure," she said before giving him a quick kiss and walking out off their room and straight towards the front door.

She walked to the nearest store that was open and went in. She wandered around the aisles grabbing things off the shelves until she came to the aisle where all the medication was. She stared at all of the different brands and types. She knew no matter what she bought, he wouldn't want to have it anyway. She grabbed a random flu medicine, went to pay and then walked home to find her boyfriend who had migrated from their bed to the lounge in the lounge room, with about 6 blankets that were all thrown around him.

"Hey Cole, I've got you some medicine and some chocolate," she said to him.

"I'm not having the medicine," he told her.

"How about, if you have it, we can cuddle?" she bribed him.

"Fine," he groaned as he rolled off the lounge and stood up wrapping his arms around her waist, putting his head on his shoulder.

"Oh, your burning!" Lili exclaimed when she felt his face touch her neck.

"I know, and my head is pounding," he said and then let go of her waist, instead, he grabbed her hand and lead her to the kitchen where she jumped up and sat on top of the countertop. She reached inside of the bag and pulled out the medicine she had bought him. She read the back of the box before opening it, getting out the bottle and grabbing a spoon from a draw. She poured some of the liquid onto the spoon and then held it out in front of Cole.

"Open up," she giggled as he moved in between her legs and she wrapped them around his waist.

He opened his moved and she poured the medicine into his mouth. He swallowed it and made a face of disgust.

"Urgh, that shit is nasty," he said, scrunching up his face.

"I know, but I want you to get better, I love you," she said, kissing his forehead.

"I love you too," he told her before she jumped off the counter, with a block of chocolate in her hand, walking towards the lounge where she plopped down and patted the seat next to her.

"I made a promise, didn't I?" she asked him with a smirk on her face.

He smiled at her and practically ran over to the lounge where he lied down on top of her, running his hands through her hair. She moved so she was facing him and he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"Urghh my body aches" he groaned, earning a laugh from Lili.

"Well, you have been working way touch lately, maybe this is your body catching up and telling you to take a break. At least now you get a day where you can do nothing," she told him, looking on the bright side.

"And all I'm going to do is cuddle with you." He told her, then kissing her lips softly, then with more urgency.

They were both enjoying themselves until Cole pulled away, his face pale and his eyes went wide. 

"What's wro-" Lili started before she got cut off by Cole leaning over the side of the lounge and throwing up everything he had eaten in the past 24 hours.

"I... I... I'm so sorry Lils," he said before jumping off the lounge and running to the bathroom where she heard him slam the door and throw up more.

She quickly cleaned up the mess and went straight to the bathroom, leaning her ear against it and listening to him mumble words like 'She's gonna hate me' and 'why do I have to be such a baby'.

She sighed. She couldn't stand listening to him beat himself up anymore so she burst through the door and sat down next to Cole by the toilet.

"I love you," she simply said, "And I'm not going to hate you because you are sick."

"But I'm being a baby," he muttered.

"Your MY baby and I love you for that," she told him.

"I feel like I'm dying," he chuckled.

"It'll be okay."

She leant her head on his shoulder and she felt him lean his head against hers before she shut her eyes.

"I'm sorry for being difficult," she heard him whisper.

"I love taking care of you honestly," she said softly.

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