The one in which; there was a petition

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HELLO my readers!
Now... I know you probably thought this was an update BUT ITS NOT MWAHAHA
In fact it does have something to do with riverdale though.
My friend and I have been looking forward to season three for ages now and once we finally got the O N E episode, we wanted more. So we started a petition! We know Netflix can't upload all the episodes right away and CW network still owns it but we really want them to release T W O episodes every Thursday... or at least release them on more then one day like on Thursdays and Sundays! So could y'all maybe sign? No pressure or anything though, it's just we really want more and yeah. How can we binge on just one episode?
Sign here ^^

Because this link probs won't work... I put up a link on my message board!

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