The one in which; he was her one and only

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I already kinda did one like this already but why not? And AGAIN I remember reading something like this but can't remember where

It was just one touch. Just a touch of a hand on an arm. But everything isn't that simple, is it? His armed moved through her like it was the only thing that he had ever worshipped. Archie Andrews stared at Betty Cooper as if she was a bright star amongst a group of clouds. Like she was the light of his life. Like she was beautiful. And of course, she was. But it was Jughead's job to worship her and it made him sick to his stomach to watch that red-haired bulldog caress his perfect girlfriend's head and hair.

"How is it so soft?" Archie grinned, running his hands through her long blond curls that today hung around her shoulders because of a fatal hairband snap in the 2nd period. The simple actions made Jughead's stomach turn, and not just because of the food he was eating, but as he watched the two from across the table, he became jealous. What was Archie even doing, sitting in his seat? They didn't have any specified seating or anything but it was an unwritten, unspoken rule that Betty and Jug sat together at one side of the table while Archie, Kevin, and Veronica sat at the other side, so they can 'witness first-hand bughead moments' - as Kevin had told them once. But for some reason, just because Kevin was sick and Veronica was in New York, Archie had plopped himself down into Jughead's seat, banishing him to the other side of the table.

Betty let out a cute little laughed as Archie ran his finger through her hair, wrapping it around his fingers then letting the curl fall loosely around her neck and onto her shoulders. She caught Jughead's eye for a moment, and she could see that he had a stone cold glare set upon Archies hand's that were buried in her hair. She could sense that he angry and slightly uncomfortable, but she wasn't quite sure why.

"You want to feel it Juggie? You seem tense" the clueless blond asked her boyfriend, ducking her head out of the way so Archie couldn't put his hands back through her ponytail. She got up and went to sit down next to him and he put a protective (and possessive) arm around her waist.

"No thanks, I get to run my hand through your hair all the time when we are alone," he said bluntly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Jughead glared at Archie over the table, who was doing the same back at him. Still completely oblivious to their silent war, Betty sighed.

"Oh okay then," she said, frowning slightly. The thought of asking them what was wrong crossed her mind, but she ignored it when Jughead pulled her onto his lap protectively. The thought was soon forgotten and she went back to chatting with Archie for the rest of the lunch break.

The remainder of the day past quickly for the girl next door, but not for the boy from the other side of the tracks. He couldn't help but notice all the small looks and touched Archie continually gave Betty. He was angered beyond reason now. What the hell did he think he was doing?! Betty gave him a chance to be with her and he rejected her. Now that she loved him he finally wanted her? The one positive thing that Jughead had going for him in life was trying to be ripped out from under his feet. All Jughead could think about through the rest of the day is how Archie was now competing with him for Betty's love.

Jughead's jealousy was fueled even more when Archie invited himself along to their date that night at the drive in. Archie couldn't get it through his thick skull that they were going to the drive-in for a date! 

While driving there, in FP's truck, Betty sat in the front while Jughead drove and Archie had been banished to the back seat where he was labeled a third wheel. As they drove, Jughead held onto her hand tightly, whispering sweet little nothings into her ear making her blush slightly. The whole time he ignored the eyerolls and clenched jaw from Archie, who was in the backseat glaring daggers into Jughead.  Jughead didn't care though, in fact, he wanted Archie to be jealous of him and Betty.

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