08 | Chapter Eight

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My other eye opens and my mouth falls slightly agape. I read the message again and again; I read it so many times it burns the words into my brain. I'm not stupid; straight away I know who it is from. But I don't understand why he feels the need to comfort me.

He didn't care when he left me. I didn't even get an explanation. Just imagine, one day you wake up and your world completely changes. The one constant in your life, gone as if he never existed. Maybe if I had the chance to say goodbye, or even understand why he had to move, things would be different. But that didn't happen. And so, here we are.

This entire situation stinks of Olivia trying to set me up. It wouldn't be the first time she had done something like this, but with Josh, it's different. He isn't just some hot guy we met at a party. Josh and I have a lot of history. History that Olivia couldn't ever understand. She knows small things about Josh from what I've told her, but I never felt the need to tell her all the details of our friendship.

Olivia is my best friend and I tell her everything, except when it comes to Josh. I like to keep him to myself. Over the years, both she and Scott have asked me things, and I tell them whatever they want to know, within reason. I can't blame them for being curious. To them, I'm Bonnie, their best friend. The lonely girl Olivia found sitting alone in the cafeteria with tears in her eyes. They find it hard to comprehend me loving someone else as much as I love them.

I showed Olivia some photos once, but they were old ones. Even back then, though, you could see there was something special about him. Olivia said it was his eyes, but I think it was his smile. So warm and welcoming. It always was my favorite thing about him.

But seeing Josh now, all grown up... I would be blind if I said he wasn't hot. His attractiveness is undeniable, and Olivia hasn't done a very good job of hiding her appreciation for him. Well, more so the way he grew into himself. He wasn't always this tall, muscular, good-looking guy. The boy I remember growing up with was lanky and, to be honest, scrawny. Now, though, he is something different, completely changed from the kid who left me here all those years ago.

I scroll through my phone, finding Olivia's number, and hit call. Placing my phone to my ear, I wait and wait, and wait some more until she finally picks up. "Bonnie! Are you okay?" she gasps through the line so loud I almost drop my phone in shock; way to burst my eardrum, Liv.

"I'm fine, but why are you gasping so loud?!" I blurt out, holding the phone away from my ear slightly, trying to get hearing back. "I just didn't know if you were okay. You never replied to my messages."

"Sorry, I just thought I'd call you instead. It's easier, you know?" I was the type of person who preferred phone calls to text messages, weird right? I didn't think so, but most of my friends did.

"Okay, fine, so are you okay or not?" she questions, a lot quieter this time. I'm thankful she's calmed herself down enough that I can safely place my phone back on my ear. I love Liv and her outbursts, even if sometimes they can be a little loud and over the top. But I wouldn't have her any other way.

"I'm fine." I snap, "as fine as I can be after seeing my ex-boyfriend all loved up with some random girl the day after we broke up." I let out a shaky breath. I didn't realize I was holding in. I feel the tears pooling in the corner of my eye, but close them and beg them to go away. I can't cry on the phone to Liv. That would send her into full breakdown mode.

"I knew it; you're not fine. I'm coming over!" and she's back to screaming, again.

Before I can object, she hangs up the phone and I pull it away from my ear to see our call has ended; I guess I'll be seeing her soon then.

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