32 | Chapter Thirty Two

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We skate around hand in hand, basking in the complete silence. We are both grinning from ear to ear. The only sound is the slicing of our blades across the ice. "Thank you for trusting me," Josh speaks, and I glance over at him. "You knew I would, don't lie."

The smirk on his face tells me I'm right. He slows down and pulls me to a stop with him. He nods toward the exit sign. "you hungry?" he asks, and I smile. "Here I was thinking you weren't going to feed me," I nudge him, "of course, I'm hungry."

We take off our skates and walk into the cafe area where he has a table set up for us. More fairy lights hung from the ceiling and rose petals are covering the floor. I feel bad stepping on them, so I move around them, concentration is written all over my face. Josh chuckles beside me and follows suit, also stepping around to dodge the petals.

He walks around the table and pulls out a chair for me; I chuckle to myself. He is trying so hard to impress me; it's pretty cute. "Thank you, kind sir." I curtsey to him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Did you really do all of this by yourself?" I ask, looking around. This is so much work for once person. "Yeah, I had a little help from my friend who works here, but apart from that, all me, baby." He winks at me, and I laugh. He is adorable.

"Is that why you ignored me all day?" I question, and his smirk falls, replaced with an awkward smile. "Yeah, I didn't want to ignore you, but I knew if I replied to you, I'd spoil the surprise."

"I guess that makes sense, but I'm still annoyed with you for that."

"When aren't you annoyed with me?" he teases, and I want to reach across the table and smack that smug look right off of his face, but he's right. I always seem to be angry with him, and I don't like that. I'm sure it feels terrible for him, too, even when he deserves it.

"I have one more surprise for you," he leans down, reaching into a bag I hadn't noticed was there until now. He pulls out a stack of envelopes, and my eyes light up. "Are those my letters?" I gasp, reaching for them, but he pulls them back just out of my reach.

"Nope, not yet," he smirks, and I frown at him. Why would he tease me like that? Asshole. "You'll get them when I drop you home  only because I want you to read them when you're alone, so you can't judge me."

I chuckle, does he seriously think I will judge him? Especially since it was Josh from all those years ago who wrote to me, he was still a kid. No doubt I will get a good laugh at something he says though; the way he is all defensive about it, there has to be something embarrassing he wants to hide from.

"Fine," I agree, and he nods, "but you only get the first years worth of letters." My mouth falls open, but I'm grinning, "are you playing games with me, Josh?"

He chuckles, "No, I'm just ensuring you let me take you on at least a few more dates."


Three hours later, Josh walks me to the front door, "do you want to come in?" I want so bad for him to say yes, but the hesitant smile on his face tells me he is going to play gentlemen and decline.

"I want to, but I'm not going to," he smirks, leaning in closer to whisper something in my ear. "I love you, BonBon, so I'm going to do this right," then he kisses me on my cheek and steps back to watch me go inside.

I unlock the door slowly, hoping if I take my time he might change my mind, I hear him chuckle to himself from behind me. Maybe he's caught on to my not so secret plan.

Once the door is open, I step inside and then turn to face him with a massive smile on my face. I hold up the envelopes in my hand and wave them at him as I close the door.

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