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'good morning.' I smile sitting at the table, along with Chris and joey. it was winter so we were on winter break. We had all cams back down to visit our family, and for one joey got to spend the night without the terror of my mother walking in.

McKenna crosses her arms and waited for Amanda to put food in front of us. 'seems like you two boys have made up?' Dad breaks the silence. Chris and joey eye eachother and Chris turns back to him 'I just don't care anymore.'

'Someone's got serious bed head..' McKenna stares making the rest of the table snicker. 'These are my morning curls, lay off.' I say jokingly.

Amanda places the food in front of us and mom comes and joins us at the table. 'Hows lexi' She looks at Chris. He doesn't realize and shoved a chunk of pancake in his mouth.

'me escute quando estou falando com você!' She says making him look to her. 'hm..' he chews washing down his bite of pancake with a glass of apple juice.

McKenna looks at him 'she said listen to her when she's talking to you.' I turn to her 'you understand her?' She nods lightly 'she's teaching me Portuguese.'

Joey quietly eats hoping she wouldn't antagonize him as well. 'Joey' she smiles. The smile is never anything good. It means she has a scheme, a way to get into your plans. He looks up 'yes?'

'Any grandchildren yet?' I look at her 'ask Chris! I'm not even eighteen.' Chris sinks in his seat. She doesn't move her focus from me 'he's still a Virgin!'

I laugh and Chris turns bright pink 'Chris lost his virginity when we were 12!' He shakes his head and points to me 'you are a snitch' joey chuckles but tenses when Chris moves his finger over to him.

'Why are you laughing?! You took hers!' He turns a bright pink and my mom shakes her head 'we have a child sitting here.' we slowly quiet down 'I didn't wanna know any of that anyway' dad takes a sip of his coffee making me giggle.

'You are absolutely no fun.' He shrugs and Amanda sits while the rest of us continue to eat.


joeys little brother runs over to me and hugs my legs 'she's gonna gwet mwee!' I stare to joey and he shrugs as Sophia jumps out from under the table making us all jump.

'Sophia what the hell' she laughs a bit 'I was trying to scare the baby, not you.' Jen makes her way downstairs and hugs us both 'My babies, I missed you two!' She planted and kiss on both of our cheeks making joey go pink

'heh, tomatoe.' I look to him. She shakes his head 'shut up.' After a while of standing around   And talking we decide to meet up with the old gang.

I get into joeys house and we head to Lorens. once we get there my eyes wander her home until they lock with Charles. I look away and he comes down 'sup case' I shrug and he gives joey a big hug.

'I wanna see the new car!' Joey says to him. After a short while the rest of everyone was at Loren's house. The old jock lunch table. There was still a few here and there missing but it was fine.

there was a new girl here though, she had strawberry blonde hair, and warm hazel eyes. And when she came joey got weird. she tried to y'all to him a few times but I noticed everytime she got close he would wander off to me or Charles.

'Hey!' I see her walking up to me. 'Hi?' I stay back examining her. A small smile appears on her face 'I'm Leah' I nod and smile slightly 'I'm Casey'

Joey walks over to my side 'case we should get going' 'ok—' before I could finish, Leah butts in 'why does she have to go with you?'

he rolls his eyes and nearly scowls at her 'Casey is my girlfriend, we've been dating for nearly a year.' Her eyes go wide 'longest relationship you've ever had.'

'The only relationship I've had and will have.' He says back. She turns away and her hair flows up while she turns. I look at joeys face which had a weird expression over it. who the hell is that girl.


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