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We finally made it back home, away from the snow. I decided I'd enjoy the last few days of Christmas break. i lay across the couch and text joey

Me- can you come over tonighhht?
joey- Yes a cann, see you at 7?
me: se ya at seven

I see McKenna playing with her Christmas gifts and watch her play with her new set of barbies. 'All good things come to an end' she makes ken say to Barbie. I furrow my eyebrows. Why would she say that? Me and joey aren't gonna end right?

Just then my mom interrupts 'is she making you want to have one?' I sigh and roll my eyes 'what's with you and forcing me to have a child, at seventeen.' She shakes her head 'I dunno, I guess Chris has always had your dad around? Like he'd be fine with out me?'

I nod my head signaling her to continue 'but you're a girl, and I want you to have a girl..so I can experience being a mom in a way, helping you help her' I grin 'stop with this sappy stuff, you almost convinced me for a second.'

Tomorrow happens to be my and Chris's birthday but I really don't wanna mention it because I don't know what I want to do for my birthday.

I scroll through my phone and see Doddies contact. 'sup' She says looking throw FaceTime. I walk up into my room and shut the door 'hows the non college life?' I grin. She drops her mouth 'rude! It's fun actually.' I see alex in the background

'What the fuck are you doing?' I furrow my eyebrows. He turns to the camera 'minding my business.' I laugh 'you guys should come over tomorrow.'

'someone's turning eighteen tomorrow...' she sings. I smile a bit and then frown 'but I dunno what to do, I'm just not gonna celebrate.' Doddie pouts 'you're really boring for a person turning eighteen.' I start to mock her and she laughs 'see you tomorrow.' She smiles

'I'll see youu' I smile while she hangs up. I get a text and look over to my phone. A person I haven't talked too in a bit.

Andie- sup weathers
Me- waiting for jo :/
Andie- did he push you away or something?
Me- no..why
Andie- idk he just does that to people when he gets afraid.
Me: of??
Andie- ttyl !

I shake my head. That was weird. I look into the mirror and look at my green eyes. I wonder what clementine is doing in Brazil right now. For some reason mom has lots of family but I only know so much about them. I don't even know what my grandma or grandpa look like.

My mom was keeping her life away from us in a way I've never really noticed. Are they not close? My train of thought stops when my door creeks and I see and older boy standing just outside of it. I roll my eyes and shut it completely.

As time when by I got restless. I'd took a nap, eaten two bowls of cereal, and still no word from joey. it was already 8:30. I got tired of watching rick and morty and walked downstairs.

I seen the reflection of my necklace glaring in the window. My phone buzzed a few time but nothing from joey. Chris even texted me but the more texts I got that weren't from him the more I ignored them. I didn't wanna reply unless it was the person I was supposed to be hearing from.

The older guy from earlier sat the the table 'waiting for someone?' He asks. I frown 'why are you in my home.' He rolls his eyes and makes himself a bowl of cereal 'related to Amanda.' I nod 'gonna tell me your name at least before you get in my business?'

He scoops a handful of Cheerios in is spoon and places them into his mouth. 'Mikey, Mikey barone' whole crunching on his cereal. 'looove' McKenna wiggles her eyebrows hanging over the couch.

I turn over to her 'the only person I'm gonna looove is joey.' I say sternly. She rolls her eyes and I text him.

Me- jo, where are you?
joey- crap. I forgot.
me- wow.

My phone buzzes a few more times, he was probably apologizing. I didn't really care. I felt my eyes start to water. 'I'm guessing this joey kid is behind this?' Mikey speaks up.

I sigh and walk up to my room. Why did he start blowing me off all of a sudden. Is he with Leah. It's that why he keeps saying he forgot? Or did he legitimately forget?

Thoughts full my mind and Mikey throws my phone at my bed 'you might want that.' I shake my head and hold myself together. 'You wanna y'all about it?' He asks in a low tone. I nod allowing him to come on and talk until I dozed off.

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