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My shoes slide against the concrete as I hear the yelling voices of the party inside someone's cabin I don't even know. I stare off into the snow and think. Everything's just been going too perfect. Joeys been loyal, Chris hasn't gotten mad at me, my moms stayed around, dads married, and Kenna has a home. Maybe things are just working out for once?

joey comes beside me with a blunt in his hand. He hasn't smoked in forever and he only does when he's stressed. Every since I told him I didn't like it he stopped completely. I stand off to the side since he didn't notice it was me.

I watch him blow out as smoke filled the air and he let out a slight cough. 'What's wrong?' He jumps and the sound of my voice and turns to me 'how long you been standing there?'

I laugh slightly 'longer than you.' I walk back inside and decide not to nag on him about his smoking. It's his life. if that's how we chooses to handle his problems I guess I'll let him.

'Leaving already?' Lucas smirked. I shrugged 'my little cousin is waiting at home for me' I give a slight smile and look on the coat rack. 'Hey, have you seen a black sweater on here? It's joeys favorite and I don't want him upset at me for loosing it.' he looks on the coat rack 'no but I can help you find it'

I nod and we both spend time looking for it. I look around and come across the sweater, but it wasn't just lying around. Leah had it on. 'Why the hell are you wearing my boyfriends sweater.'

She rolls her eyes and takes it off 'joey said I could wear it, I got cold.' I snatch it from her making an evil grin form on her lips 'yet the heater is on? Plus he doesn't even like you. He would never.'

She takes a sip of whatever's in her cup 'he said I could wear it until he was done smoking, then he'd come back and put it on the rack so you wouldn't know.' My eyes narrow on her before I turn away.

Is that why he went outside. So I'd find out just to piss me off. cause if he did it worked. I walked outside and brushed passed him. 'Are you okay?' He asks starting to walk. 'Don't talk to me.' I walk ahead of him

'What did I do..' he catches up. 'You have that stupid girl your sweater' I turn to face him. He rolls his eyes and sighs 'why? She told you that? I don't even like her.'

I let out a relived sigh 'I know...I just.. everything's going too well, you know?' He drapes his arm around me and we continue to walk 'there's nothing wrong with that.'

He takes of his coat and flings it over my shoulders while grabbing the other one out of my hand 'I don't want you to freeze to death.' He chuckles.'but now you'll freeze to death.' He shrugs 'it's not like this sweater is diseased or anything?' I grit my teeth and open the door to the cabin 'you sure about that...'

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