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my hair blows through the wind as I watch the movers take my moms things away in boxes and put them into trucks. My mom found her own place. I was happy for her, I guess. McKenna begged to go with her, so she is. Every weekend she'll just come visit dad and Amanda.

My mom was only moving a few blocks down and around the corner. Joey and I haven't been on the best terms. It's only been a day since New Years and we've just been arguing all day. Every relationship has its argument, but me and joey have never fought this much.


It seemed like we were drifting far apart. Every change I get I find a way to push us apart. I've been smoking like crazy and talking to people, I just don't wanna screw up us. I know I'm doing it now, but it's better than her catching me with some girl.

It would be easy for me to push Leah's limits and I wouldn't care, but Casey has a beautiful smile and the perfect heart. I don't wanna break it. Not again. It was like I started to put myself above her and I know she knew it.

'Joey?' I hear her voice crack over the phone.


She paused a minute, probably hesitating 'I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you mad. I'm really sorry..' her voice was in a high pitched tone and I could her her cry in between every few words. That was the worst feeling. My heart dropped. All I could do was just hang up.


'He hung up' I say putting my phone onto my desk while wiping my tears with my free hand. Mikey pulled me into a hug 'he doesn't deserve you.' After a few more minutes of crying on his shoulder I pull away 'let me find my brother.' I sniffle.

I exit my room and log into Chris's. He was hunched over his computer. I guess he noticed my soft cries and turns to me 'what's wrong case..' he stand up immediately. He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest 'I don't know what I did? I keep saying I love him and he won't say it back. We've never fought this much ever—' Chris cuts me off and lifts my head from his chest 'you didn't do anything wrong. okay?'

I slowly nod. Chris's door flies open and joey stands tall. I look at Chris letting him know I'll be alright. I walk over to him and we both walk out to the back yard. 'Casey you didn't do anything wrong.'

I breathe out and stare into the distance not making eye contact 'then why are you mad?' He pulls me in to his chest and rests his chin gently over the top of my head 'I don't know. I'm sorry.' Tomorrow we had to get back to campus. So if just enjoy this while I can.

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