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I woke up and stepped over Mikey so that I wouldn't wake him. Joey was sitting on the couch to my surprise. 'Hey?' I walk down the stairs. 'Hey.' He says back. 'Why so dry?'

'Cause there's some guy in your room.' I push his shoulder slightly 'he's my cousin. That's Amanda's family.' I say. He looks relived and Chris comes downstairs 'its my birthday' he hums to himself walking into the kitchen.

'Will you shut up? I don't want a birthday party.' I say. 'But I want one..' he pouts. I shrug 'too bad.'

Doddie and Alex burst through the door making us all jump. It woke Mikey up too because he came running downstairs. 'oooh cute, whos he?' She asks. 'Hello I'm right here?' Alex says. I ignore him 'step cousin?' Doddie grins 'your family has a lot of hot people in it.'

'right here guys, right here.' Alex says again. 'Anyway Im taking Chris and Casey.' Alex says before pulling us into his car.

'I don't have on a shirt...' Chris puts on his seatbelt. 'My hairs frizzy.' I hit alex in the chest


I hop out of the car in my new changes of clothes. Since when did Alex have so much money to take a set of twins on a shopping spree? I walk into the door and everyone jumps out 'surprise!'

I drop my bags 'you assholes.' Chris picks up my bags and runs into the kitchen 'I wanna see the cakeee' Chris ran into the kitchen. My eyes search the room before they lock with Mikey. He catches my gazes for a moment and walks over.

'Where's joey?' I look around. 'He left?' Mikey says. 'Wonder why?' I say just as we walks in. he turns me around a plants a wet kiss on my cheek. 'You're gross.' I giggle wiping it away.

Mikey walks away to give us privacy. 'I don't like that guy' joey looks to me. 'Why not? He seems pretty alright.' I shrug. Joey shakes runs his fingers through my hair 'I can tell he likes you kinda'

I scrunch my face 'that's gross.' He laughs 'happy birthday babe.' I grin 'where's my present?' I grin. he smirks 'in the bedroom..'

'Sounds like a nice present..' I say before Doddie rushes in between us 'I hope you like it.' I smile slightly and pull her into a hug 'I love it.'

'This relationship is finally legal.' Joey looks to me. I laugh 'oh hush.' I few moments later more people stared to come for a small little birthday party. Chris was having the most fun ever. I wasn't.

I wanted nothing more than to just cuddle up with my boyfriend and watch a movie. Which he bought me my favorite movie for my birthday. Everything just seemed to move really fast.

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