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McKenna and I meet Chris and Lexi downstairs and they both tense up. 'Weird' McKenna sings. I laugh 'they're probably talking about relationship stuff.'

She nods and I pour her a bowl of cereal. 'Kenna, where's dad and Amanda?' Chris asks. She shrugs 'probably sending off my Christmas gift list to Santa' she smiles. He nods and sinks in his chair 'what do you want for Christmas, Casey?'

I bring the cereal to Kenna and make myself a cup of coffee. 'What's that ring for..did he propose?!' Kenna looks over at me. I roll my eyes and fix up my coffee 'it's a promise ring, Kenna.'

she nods and I walk over to the table. 'Why'd you wake up so late?' Lexi raises an eyebrow. 'I was just up really late last night.'

I breathe out and wipe my eyes 'where's joey anyway?' Chris shifts uncomfortably in his seat 'uh..' Lexi punches his shoulder and I notice how everyone suddenly quiets down. 'Kenna do you—' before I can finish she cuts me off 'I don't know anything about anything, gosh stop interrogating me I'm a little gir!'

I raise and eyebrow and she stuffs her mouth with cereal as he walks through the door. He placed a bouquet of flowers in front of me along with a box of donuts. 'Just to make up for last night.' He kisses my head.

everyone else at the table look relaxed now. 'You should never tell these people where you're going, they're horrible under pressure.' He laughs 'duly noted.'

I put the flowers at the vase and sit back at the table 'what are we doing today guys?' lexi and Chris look at eachother and look away quickly 'GROSS!' I laugh.

Chris turns pink 'n-no it's not...' he stops talking and Kenna finishes her cereal placing it into the sink. Sophia comes down with Bella and sits at the table 'we can't do anything really, we're all on babysitting duty' Bella sighs.

'They went Christmas shopping' soph lowers her voice so that the kids wouldn't hear. 'My mom too?' I ask. Sophia looks relieved for a second 'she's still here!'

'In that case, I say we go look for parties' Chris says. We each nod in agreement and head back upstairs to get ready for the day.



Once we walked into the door a group of girls took Casey away making me chuckle. Chad and I walked over to the counter with the drinks. I got myself a bottle of water and Chad got himself half a cup of booze.

'So, Leah?' Chad raises and eyebrow. I roll my eyes 'what we had died the day she left..and to be completely honest it's not like we had much in the first place.' Chad shrugs 'I guess but you've been active weird ever since she came around.'

I shake my head 'I just what her to leave. You know how she is with getting into people's head and I'm trying to stay away from that.' Chad shrugs 'speak of the devil.'

She comes in and pours herself some water. 'Who's that boy?' she asks. I shrug 'there's a lot of dudes here.' she places a little green rectangular thing in her mouth and washes it down with water 'he's really tall dark brown hair..'

Chad stops her 'I think she's talking about Lucas?' I frown 'when did Lucas get the memo to come here?' Chad takes a sip and looks at me 'he was already here for the break' I nod and allow my eyes to scan the room.

I wander past Casey and then back over to her when I realize she was talking to Lucas. Our senior year he tried really hard to get at her, even after graduation but shes been with me.

Leah laughs and puts her cup of water down 'you look upset.' I shake my head 'I'm not upset, just annoyed.' she looks at Chad 'he's always been a square.'

I chuckle. She's annoying but that was admittedly funny. I think Casey noticed was she looked away from Lucas. 'What were you talking a few seconds ago' Chad puts his cup down and looks to Leah.

'A xan.' She scowls. His eyes widen 'well if you two will excuse me I'm going over to the smokers.' I wave him goodbye and she stays behind the counter.

'How long till you reach your peak?' She grabs chads cup. 'Huh?' I turn to her. she rolls her eyes 'We had this whole "fling" for almost the whole year until you screwed with Loren. Don't forget I didn't just leave for nothing.'

I roll my eyes 'I don't have a peak that needs to be reached. I'm fine with Casey.' She walks over and sits in she chair beside me. 'Yeah your "fine" with her but let's be honest if it's been nearly a year that means pretty soon you'll be wanting someone else.'

I shake my head 'n—no. I see a future with her.' She takes a sip from the cup 'sure you do, just like you seen one with me.' I shake my head 'you're different I didn't like you, and I still don't like you.'

she shrugs 'and maybe that's true. But let's be real this is your first long relationship and you're gonna screw up sooner or later. She's gonna leave you the second you break her heart and that'll be it. You'll just go back to flings cause that's how you like it anyway.'

I stare into the distance and Casey for a moment. What if she's right? What if I screw up and Casey gets mad enough that she actually leaves this time. We don't live so close to home anymore, if she leaves and flies back it's over for us. she'll never speak to me again.

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