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'This is so dumb.' I say walking around the room. 'Dude, you're in love. Face it.' Chad presses the buttons on the controller. 'Yeah dude stop being an ass to her just cause your scared.' Char adds

'I'm not trying too it's just that, I don't know okay? I don't know how to love anyone, and I'm just scared too. I'm used to being the old me...but then she came along. I just don't feel these things normally'

'have you even asked her why she's looking so much weight?' Chad asks with his eyes glued to the tv. 'What do you mean?' I asks. 'Dude she was already skinny and now she's super skinny. Why's she doing that?'

I shrug and look to Charles who face palms. 'You've been putting you above her lately.' I wander over to the kitchen and pour some alcohol into my cup 'I know. I'd told her I'd stop smoking again but, I don't think I'll ever get sober.' Just then she walks in the door with a bunch of papers in her hand. Wonder what those are for.



I'd checked myself out of school. I'm not doing this anymore. I really only came for joey and he doesn't seem to care that much anymore. But I still love him. I'll still visit. I just won't tell him yet.

I play around with my hair. Why did I dye it? Light brown hair looks dumb on me because I'm so tan. I'm not taking a test, even if my mom suggested it. She's probably just wanting me to freak out so she can do her Dailey talk about wanting grand kids.

I look down at my phone at the number my mom had sent me. It was my grandmas. What if she doesn't remember me? What is she doesnt speak English? I can hardly understand clementine and my moms English was at least more understandable.

Joey walked into the room with a grin sleazed across his face. 'There's my girl.' I turn to him and smile, but let it fade soon after. 'We have to talk..'

'Those are never good words..' he sits on the edge of the bed. 'I checked out, no more college for me.' I say. He looks up at me 'when we're you gonna tell me you were considering leaving.'

'You're gone too much.' I could see a look of worry growing on his face 'what's going on between us..' I sit beside him 'you tell me.'

He shrugs 'I know I've been out a lot, I'm sorry.'

'Yeah, where have you been going?'

'Leah's...' he breathes out.

'Do you...like her..?'

'I-I don't know..'

Is he saying me might like her? He's been ditching me for her? The girl he supposedly hates? This is wild. I get up and walk towards the door 'just let me go think about this somewhere else.' Eleven months down the drain? I honestly don't know what's next for us.

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