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'Casey..?' Andie whispers. I look over to her, throwing myself out of my gaze. 'What's the answer for number six..' she answers. I motion to the A across my paper. She nods and writes it down.

It's been a week and three days since my brother and Lexi left. Someone's supposed to move into his old room. I've been seeing a lot less of joey. I really only see him when we're having sex. I'm home and asleep way before he is. He blows me off and only answers my texts when he wants.

He's out a lot and I never really wanna ask where he goes too. I'm just afraid he'll say something I don't like. 'Cassandra weathers!' The professor calls. The bell rings and everyone packs up. And starts to leave.

She motions me over to the desk and I hand her my test. She doesn't read it and she just stares 'do you want to be here?' I look at my feet and then at her

'Yeah I—' she cuts me off and repeats sternly 'do you want to be here.' I avoid making eye contact with her and sigh 'I don't know...no...no I don't.'

'I don't want you to come to my class anymore, I just want you to make it right and do what you have to do' before I could respond she walked off and I walked out of her classroom and started to walk to a food place on campus.

How does she know anything? Did anyone tell her to say that? what was she even talking about. A pair of arms wrap around me and I turn to face him. 'when'd you dye your hair?' 'Wouldn't you like to know.'

Char and chad were behind him messing around. Joey taking his classes early in the morning, I take mine in the afternoon. He presses his nose against mine 'I missed you'

'mhm.' I pay for my food and walk outside. He frowns 'what's wrong?' 'I really don't wanna have this argument here.' He gives my a confused stare 'I don't see why you're upset'

I pull away from him and start to walk to my car with him following not too far after. 'Casey' he grabs my hand and turns me to face him. 'Joey when did we last spend time together? When's the last time you answered my call or text? When's the last time we went on a date?' I raise an eyebrow.

He doesn't say anything for a while 'I'm sorry.' I turn back around and start to walk without turning back to face him 'yeah, me too.'


'Mom..?' I speak into the phone. 'yes?' She says back, probably drinking a cup of tea as always. I explain everything to her and she goes quest for a long while. 'Well have you told Joseph how you feel?'

'Just call him joey, And no, but I will soon.' She hums in a low tone as if she's trying to gather the right words 'what have you eaten lately?'
I make a face. Why does she care? 'I've been stressed so I haven't really been eating too much. I had a burger today but I usually just eat fries.'

'Eating fries is normal for you, have you gotten your period..?' I huff. Why's she asking me all this random shit. 'I haven't been eating a lot like I mentioned so I haven't gotten it in a while, why are you asking?' I raise an eyebrow.

'I dunno, you sound over sensitive, and moody.
Your brother said you cried when he said he was leaving. The Casey I know would be happy for him.'

'What's your point?' I ask. I can hear her spoon clink against her class 'I know this sounds crazy, but you should really take a pregnancy test, I'm not joking.' I frown and hang up.
She's crazy.

Joey walks in and doesn't say anything, so I do. 'Don't you have mysterious places to be right now?' He rolls his eyes 'I haven't been a very good boyfriend, I get it.' I sigh and run my fingers through my hair 'I'm sorry.' He turns to me and smiles a bit 'it's fine.'

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