* in spain

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I woke up to the sounds of my little cousins, rosa and may, giggling. I rub my eyes and throw on my robe walking downstairs. 'Rosa and maylene you woke your cousin.' I make a cup of coffee and shake my head 'no it's fine.'

I've been here for a week. Clementine has two kids, one is eight and the other is six. Her husband, my uncle, coaches kids soccer. Joey and I have been talking, not too much, but I know we'll be fine. I take my cup of coffee and sit at the table next to my aunt.

'What's wrong? You look like you have a lot on your mind.' I take a sip of my coffee and look to her 'I dunno. I'm just adjusting to the fact that joey and I decided to spend a little white away from eachother.'

'You gave him a ticket didn't you?' She raises and eyebrow taking a bite of her waffle. I shrug 'I did but he probably won't come. For all I know he could be kissing up on Leah.'

'That's gross.' The door swings open. At first I see my uncle, Joshua. Why would he say that? Only because he didn't. Joey steps from behind him and walks over. In shock I look at my aunt who was grinning. 'You knew he was coming?'

She nods and continues to speak with a mouthful 'that's the only reason why I haven't left to work yet.' Joey walks over and gives me a hug. Unsure of whether it was okay to kiss me or not.

'I'll show you here to put your stuff.' I say getting up from the table. He follows me up into the room I sleep in and places his stuff down. 'How's everything been?' I say trying to star a little conversation. 'The same, it's real quiet without you and Chris and Leah has a boyfriend of her own.'

I nod and he goes on 'how do you feel, about not being pregnant ?' I shrug and sit beside him 'I kind of wanted one and I kind of didn't.'
He grins and looks my way 'we can always try for one.' I giggle and push his face away 'of course you'd say that.'

Not being able to find what do talk about next, joey speaks. 'I'm done running away Casey. I'm gonna be with you, I really love you.'

I glance down at my promise ring he had given me and then up at him 'I just really think we should break up..' the expression on his face was priceless and I started to laugh 'Joseph I'd never break up with you.'

'That's not funny.' He frowns while I continue to laugh 'I love you too babe.' He places a kiss onto my lips to shut me up. I kiss him back and grin 'so I take it that I'll just have to come to California and visit you all the time.' He shrugs

'I figured if we just get a house out there it's a win, win.' I flush bright pink 'a house ? Together?' He nods 'we technically lived together in the dorms so, the only difference is we'll be alone.' He grins.

'Then Thats Fine with me. Now you get to meet the rest of my family and they're crazier than my mother.' I smile. 'As long as your with me it doesn't matter.'



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