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all of our family went downstairs and we met at the tubes. Basically the tubes allow multiple people to slide down a hill of snow. McKenna got one for me and her, Amanda and dad went, Chris and Lexi, Sophia and joey, Bella and baby joey, Jen and my mom.

We each slid down to the end of the snow hill. Then it seemed like more of us kept coming down, until I turned and realized it was Leah and Joeys friends.

Most of us managed to get off before the kept coming and knocked us off of course. 'Come on Kenna, you gotta get up before it gets dangerous' she stands and tugs and her scarf. It was wrapped to the end of the tube and people kept coming.

Before it got dangerous her and I made it back at the top. I turn to joey and soph 'can I steal your brother?' she nods and walks over to Bella.

'Let's go somewhere tonight' I grin. He smiles slightly 'like?' I shrug 'that fancy dinner place over there' I point. He nods 'what time tonight?' We start to walk away from the group. I shrug 'eight?' He nods 'guess I'll see you tonight'



'Why is she jealous of Casey?' I ask Charles. He shrugs 'maybe she just wants to mess with your head' Chad suggests. I shrug and eat another chip as she walks over.

'Finally you're without that girl' Leah grins. I roll my eyes 'what do you want Leah.' She coils her hair in her fingers and goes on 'I want you, I want you back.'

Chad interrupts making the sound of a buzzer when you get the wrong answer. 'He's happily taken by Casey.' Char adds. I nod in agreement. Her eyes wander around me for a moment 'we were perfect for eachother! What happened..'

I face palm and look at her 'you ended it...you told to school I was clingy and stuff and then left, remember? Do I have to refresh your memory?' I scowl. 'I don't remember it like you do.' She gets up.

'Then just remember this, I don't like you. I won't like you. So give up.' I stare back to the tv. 'Your such a dick' she growls. I shrug 'lucky for you I'm a "dick" that belongs to Cassandra weathers.'

'Dude its twelve..' Chad jumps up tapping my shoulder. 'Shit.' I get up and dust off the chip crumbs.' She walks away while I rush out the door.



I go into my room and cover myself in blankets. For the first time ever, joey showed me up. I made the reservations earlier all he had to do was come.

Maybe he lost track of time or something but ever since that girl showed up he's just been so out of it and it's not even funny.

Maybe he's not into me anymore? No that's not it. I'm crazy. 'babe..' I hear a low whisper. I glance at the door and see joey 'I'm sorry.'

'Where were you?' I sit up. 'I was with Chad and Charles, I just didn't realize how late it was getting.' He said taking off his coat. I sigh and lay back down while he crawls into bed.

'Next time okay?' I nod my head and his arm wraps around me. 'Goodnight, I love you' He kisses my cheek. I smile warmly and shut my eyes 'I love you too.'

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